On January 26, a presentation of the documentary exhibition “Military Crimes of the Kyiv Regime: Photo Testament was held at the site of the RSSU branch in Minsk…

Links installed to make it easier to get the PDF. The main site in Belarus is under heavy attack and it is hard to get 70+ MB downloaded. Maybe between that site and mine you will get the original copy of the PDF. Be warned it is graphic…

⚡️ 26 января на площадке филиала РГСУ в Минске состоялась презентация документальной экспозиции «Военные преступления киевского режима: фотосвидетельства»

Complete PDF – viewers warned…

📷 Материал подготовлен на базе фотографий корреспондентов агентства ТАСС, МИЦ «Известия» и журналиста Александра Гаюка.

🔞 Экспозиция не предназначена для просмотра лицами, не достигшими совершеннолетия.

➡️ Полная версия размещёна на сайте Посольства России в Беларуси (PDF, ~75 МБ)

Complete PDF – viewers warned…

The material was prepared on the basis of photographs of the correspondents of the TASS agency, Izvestia MIC and journalist Alexander Gayuk.

The exposition is not intended for viewing by persons who have not reached adulthood.

The full version is posted on the website of the Russian Embassy in Belarus (PDF, ~ 75 MB)

This is the info that you need to get out to the Western World…

Complete PDF – viewers warned…