Once the Blame Game is fully under way? The USA will start in earnest the sire song against Russia…

Once the struggle ends the lying marketing campaign to smear Russia for all the terrible penalties of our USA very personal actions? Then we will go into overdrive. The saying, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”, fits this issue. There could be no corrective to this because the western media panorama has been purged of any balance, any truth and any morals. The western media and western governments have no other avenue but to continue the path that they so willingly embraced…

Once the start of purification of the western soul to embrace a permanent Luciferian style? Anybody talking up, writing about, agreeing and supportive of and for Russia “will” (not maybe) but be, metaphorically, burnt on the stake, as in the false witches within the Puritan era Witch-Hunts. Twitter, Facebook and such is the new stake to burn witches at and or in this case, Russian Lovers. I’m hoping it will completely be rhetorically and allegorically presented. Instead of tangibly grabbing humans of Russian support and fixing their desires in coerced ways. Despite the fact that not one individual is around who privy to those days of horror. We understand that history always goes around and around…

One must only visit the late 40’s to ending 50’s and read up on The McCarthy Era…


PS: This same is and will be done against Chine, Iran, and all whom do not bow before the Empire of Lies and Chaos. Empires hate to die…