We have a saying, “Dead Man Walking!” (Updated)

So a lower court could not be bought and did the right thing and the higher court was bought off and overruled the lower court…

The Justice Department is delighted by London High Court Lord Justice Timothy Holroyde’s ruling in favour of the US government’s appeal to undo a lower court’s push to stop Julian Assange from being extradited.”We are pleased by the decision,” a Justice Department spokesperson told Sputnik. The spokesperson declined to elaborate.

Source: US Justice Department ‘Pleased’ by Ruling on Assange Extradition – 10.12.2021, Sputnik International

Yes I bet the US is pleased and…

There is a, Very good chance:

That Julian Assange in the end will be murdered. Numerous times the whole international community continues to stand by as the US gets its way….even though the US is shown to to be one of the largest human rights abusers in the world. Possibly the worst human rights abuser in the world, once we find out all the hidden truths from the public eyes…

We have a saying, “Dead Man Walking!”

Julian Assange is destroyed already and he should simply be let go….to spend the rest of his life in rehabilitation therapy….the west points lots of fingers at the rest of the world, yet as in the case with Julian Assange (and many more actually), the west is as evil as it comes! No one is close to the evil that is covered over with “sweet icing” by the Western World…



MOSCOW, December 12. /TASS/. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange suffered a stroke in the Belmarsh Prison, where he has remained in custody since 2019, the Daily Mail reported Sunday, citing his fiancee Stella Moris. According to the report, the incident happened on October 27, during Assange’s video appearance in the High Court. Moris believes that the stroke was caused by the stress, induced by the ongoing US court action against him, as well as overall decline in his health. The stroke affected Assange, Moris said: “His eyes were out of synch, his right eyelid would not close, his memory was blurry.” Assange was reportedly subjected to an MRT scan and is now taking anti-stroke medication. The Ministry of Justice refrained from commenting, the report says.

Source: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange suffers stroke in UK prison – report – World – TASS

Well we gotta keep trying to find that booster vaccine for me…

We had an appointment and that fell through. Only second shot vaccines were being done for this particular time frame and it is unknown as to when that ends? Thus, what we figured would be the booster for me of Sputnik V? Is now another quest for finding a place to get a foreigner vaccinated…

Sometimes life just tosses rejection after rejection and you just have to sweep them away and pick it all up and start all over again…


Well, Russia was able to get the rabid dogs to back off for now!

That was good and now we wait for the next round of propaganda hate from the Western Empire… (All ready started in Britain. See Below…)

So Putin & Biden talked and nothing happened for the good…

Yet, I have to admit that good did happen…

KYIV, Dec 10 (Reuters) – Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Friday said he did not exclude holding a referendum on the future status of war-torn eastern Ukraine and the Crimea peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014.

Source: Ukrainian president does not exclude referendum on Crimea and Donbass | Reuters

More backpedaling by the west as they realized that Russia does not bluff about their red lines and Putin has made clear that Ukraine/NATO is one of those red lines. I have watched closely to all this and Russia knows very well that this backpedaling is simply running away to play again another day…

Yet still the nothing happen bit I talk about is true. Biden has no power and the ease in Western crap against Russia is only a way to shift that crap toward something/someone/somewhere else…

The “See Below” spot from above:

LIVERPOOL, England, Dec 11 (Reuters) – The world’s wealthiest democracies will on Saturday seek to present a united front against Russian aggression toward Ukraine when Britain hosts a meeting of foreign ministers in the northern English city of Liverpool.

Source: Britain seeks G7 ‘show of unity’ against Russia over Ukraine crisis | Reuters

Now they ~(“Wealthiest Democracies” Oops I mean most indebted democracies)~ all gather and yell from afar…

~~ Bad Evil Russia ~~

Yet that can has been kicked farther down the road and that rope is stronger yet when it completes its gallows travel….that is the idea after all!