Assange is a lesson for those who want to publish truth about the Western Empire…

Assange was in the U.S. once (?) in his life, he has no connections to the USA, and is an Australian Citizen. He published documents that were given to him on a website outside the USA…

His real crime was to embarrass the regime in Washington D.C., by telling the truth…

Given this logic: That, that is being promoted to the world stage by the USA and upheld by the British, “Should a U.S. Citizen publish “North Korean Documents” on any USA website, he should be extradited from the USA and or anywhere else in the world for that matter, to North Korea to answer for his/her crimes.”

I ask myself everyday, “Why are the rules different for some than others?”


The US won its appeal against a January UK court ruling that he could not be extradited due to concerns over his mental health.Judges were reassured by US promises to reduce the risk of suicide. His fiancee said they intended to appeal.Mr Assange is wanted in the US over the publication of thousands of classified documents in 2010 and 2011.

Source: Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, court rules – BBC News

China is about to invade Taiwan and Russia is about to invade the Ukraine. How convenient for USA, NATO and puppets…

First Russia invading Ukraine…

Russia has more than 92,000 troops amassed around Ukraine’s borders and is preparing for an attack by the end of January or beginning of February, the head of Ukraine’s defense intelligence agency told Military Times. – Source: Russia preparing to attack Ukraine by late January: Ukraine defense intelligence agency chief

Now we have switched the channel to, “China getting ready to attack Taiwan”…

“Unfortunately, although the PRC publicly advocates for peaceful unification with Taiwan, leaders in Beijing have never renounced the use of military aggression,” he told Senate members. “In fact, the [The People’s Liberation Army] is likely preparing for a contingency to unify Taiwan with the PRC by force while simultaneously attempting to deter, delay or deny third-party intervention on Taiwan’s behalf.” – Source: Taiwan Has Proven Possibilities of Alternative Path to Chinese Communist Party, DOD Official Says > U.S. Department of Defense > Defense Department News

~~ And all the while the USA is innocent of everything! ~~

I still say that the USA needs to look in the mirror and get that under control first….and stop using other countries (Look a Squirrel) to cover up your faults at home and abroad…


More tidbit of falling chunks of concrete at flats…

The bottom of picture is what I posted about the other day and the rest above are since that picture. Help!

As I posted the other day…

Tidbit of info for when someone gets hurt at our flats in Moscow, Russia…

Everyday more and more chunks fall. Everyday the workers clean up the pieces. Everyday is closer to someone getting hurt. It happens all around the building…

May I suggest that no one leans against the walls and smokes a cigarette and or talks on the phone. Maybe we should all be issued hardhats to protect ourselves?

Maybe walkway covered tunnels to protect the babies in carriages?

It is not like no one knows….for workers clean the stuff up daily…


So Putin & Biden talked and nothing happened for the good…

lets hope they use the Hanging Frame Gallows and not the weaker Inverted ‘L’ Gallows….for holding the weight of the sinking USA Titanic will be a chore…

Russia knows that anything Biden says will be construed backwards and sideways by the western media….for as many if us know, the President of the USA is nothing but a puppet and a “Emperor with No clothes”…

Russia, China and Iran know that when the rope that has been given to the USA goes taunt at the end of its travels from the gallows….the results will be catastrophic all over the world…

Thus, keep playing the game as the traveling to the bottom for the USA is happening in our lifetime…

Just more of a waiting game for Russia, Iran and China as they laugh at the US and her antics!

Just keep kicking the can and we can hope the collapse will be buffered somewhat…


PS: That is why I have been quiet about this meeting….it means nothing except to kick the can called the USA farther down the road…

I have been asked, How I lost so much weight?

This morning I am at 92.5 kilos or for you USAians * (Americans) as I am, 205 lbs….that is down from a peak of 160 kilos or around 355 lbs. I vary by as much as 2 to 3 kilos daily (+ or -) and that is mainly in too many factors to explain, not the least the accuracy of the scales. But a big issue is water weight and I take a pill for that. It works better some days than others and at the weight I am now, that water weight is how big my stomach potbelly shows or not…

But I regress and you asked how did I lose it?

Very simple:

You are what you eat!

With the exception of a medical issue and those as far as weight gain are few and far between, the more you eat the fatter you get. I decided to eat according to my diabetes issues and eat 5 to 6 times daily and only eat just enough to keep my diabetes sugar levels under control. The bad sugar days, less food, but always eating 5 or 6 times…

I toss in activity at a higher level to burn a few more calories, but mainly, stopped putting so much into my mouth and stopped eating out of boredom….eating should never be something you do just to do it. If hungry? Eat a bit and wait for twenty minutes and if still hungry, eat a bit more. The “bit” is what is important. A bit of food, not three Big Macs, two fries and a large refillable Coke…

Remember a bit is a small piece, part, or quantity of something….and Oh Yes….twenty different bits adds up to a bunch….no cheating and saying, “But I just ate a bit of food!”

Today I ate:

Two cups of coffee with milk, four chicken nuggets and a biscuit cookie thingy that I love dearly and a piece of cheese as a snack. That is all I had from when I got up and now it is 1 p.m., I am not hungry and I always take a vitamin to supplement any lack of variety and in a little bit, I will fix a lunch that has more substance to it. But, I will eat bits for lunch and never a Double Whooper with cheese, large fry and soft drink… (Like I use to do.)

The secrete is to shrink your stomach in size. I eat four chicken nuggets and I feel full. Yet I have to wait a few minutes and let that sink into my system. When Sveta and I eat? I tell her after a few bites, I am getting full. If I ignore that feeling? I eat too much and pay for it with feeling stuffed. If I eat too fast, then it is worse in the long run. Fat people in general are eating as fast as they can and they eat way too much, before their system says, “Excuse me you are full!” The more you stretch your stomach out the more it wants to say it is full. That is why people at first do so well with having their stomach stapled to make it smaller…

Another thing is to get away from the table as soon as you are full….I get up and do dishes or something and if I do not? I find that I always grab one more bite and one more cookie and whatever. I also have containers and pack the leftovers fast and put them away in the fridge. I may eat them later for one of my five meals a day, yet that is a good thing. Spread your food out over several meals…

I read this quote by Michael Keaton (He spells his name wrong though. 😉 ):

I’ve changed my diet a few times. Now I’m trying to eat more protein. I eat little meals throughout the day. I love food, so I still give myself great meals. Also, when I’m busy, it’s easy to lose weight. – Michael Keaton

That is what I do to be truthful and it works…

Just stop as you eat:

Pizza, burgers, cheesecake….stop and eat, but one slice of that pizza, half that giant burger and sorry, but one bite of that cheesecake. Still enjoy it, but cut those portions and by all means, stop eating that whole damn pizza that just came from the delivery guy…

Better yet, never never never have any delivery brought to your home. Never and did I say never? At least walk to get your food…

Really you do not need even half the food you eat most of the time and you definitely do not need four slices (but but but there are eight slices in my delivered pizza and yes it is all going to your butt) of pizza, even if it is only cheese pizza!

The truth is:

Many of us fat people can spread one of our meals into three meals. That should tell you how much too much we eat at one time…

Of course your mileage will vary!

If I can do it? Anyone can…


* A citizen of USA, United States of America. As an American would be confused with people of South and Central Americas as well as Canadians.

Source: Urban Dictionary: USAian