Today I will fill Mouse Holes and Write…

That is what I will attempt today, the title tells it all. Yesterday I over did it and now I am paying big time for all that I did yesterday. It got too hot and I was stupid, as I worked until the heat almost brought me down. It snuck up on me and before I knew it, I was pretty sick and had to lay down. It scared me a little bit and that is sometimes necessary, for having had six heart attacks is enough reason to be careful. I guess I need reminders once in awhile, for I seem to be too stupid and ignoring of the signs. I am use to Sveta being around and telling me to slow down and such…

Therefore, I have four mouse holes to fill and keep the little darlings from having freeway access to the village home. Then when that is done, I am going to write thru the heat today, on one of my books. I have taken a break from all the writing and it is time to get back to what I was doing and finish at least one book…

I have other things that are just part of a normal day, but I will take it easy today, for I got seriously sick yesterday…

On another note; I took around 500 pictures yesterday and I realized that for years I have been taking images of this village. I have about 5000 to 6000 images of this place. I am sure that I have the largest archive of images of this village on earth and they show huge changes as time has gone by. Even as short of a time as it is…

I was going to take more pictures today, but I will rest. I hope the monks rest also, for there was two monks, who spent all day, weed eating the monastery grounds. Through the heat and all, they had on their monk robes, a monk hat and they have beards. I know they had to be hot…

Another thought is the picture below. It is the new electric meter that was installed on the bell tower a few days ago. I find it interesting to see a new fangled device stuck on such an old structure. By the way this structure (bell tower) was built in 1910. A few years after the church was finished around 1907…


The picture at the top of the post, is a photo of the last section of the original wall that surrounded the monastery in the old days and I wish they would rebuild that wall. This original wall had to have been at least a kilometer long and a meter thick. Now that would take a lot of bricks…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…