Guess what this is? (Covid Tidbit Time)

Svetochka is good!

No it is not a pregnancy test!

It is a Coronavirus test that Svetochka just took and she got a bunch of them from her British based family when they came to Russia, when Sveta’s Uncle died recently. Sveta took the test before she went to her mom’s…

Guess where it is made?

What the heck? NHS test made where? China? Oh My!

I had to laugh…

Made in China!

Yet all you hear about in the West is bad China, bad China, bad China and yet their test for Covid are made in China?

~~ But I thought everything made in China is BAD! ~~

It is a good thing to check before going to elderly to visit. Not perfect, yet still a good thing and easy to do. Russia has their version and it was made in Russia….but very expensive and these from Britain are free to the British…

Just a tidbit of info…


For the NHS and Made in China…

Again, well now what? (OS’s and more OS’s)

Well that was slicker than counting to 7, err I mean to 11 (Windows 7 to 11 updating!)

Well now what? Do I sit on Windows 11 on my laptop and leave it? Or do what I do best and strive for the best and learn about the best OS’s as I seem to always do?

For myself personally I dislike Windows as an operating system and what it stands for. Yet, I understand that my Sweetpea needs that stability and just working every time she fires up the system and wants to do what she wants to do and not have anything mess around with that “want to do stuff”…

Since I want my Sweetpea happy and not grouchy with me, I worked out all the bugs on my laptop and then transferred all I learned and install Windows 11 on her computer. This was a good thing and as I write this I am doing so on a desktop that is very stable and very good for my Sweetpea and it is good for me to do my everyday stuff as I write and dwell deeper into much of what I desire to do. When it works and just works great, do not mess with it…

I guess the best way to put it is this; Windows 11 is good and for my girl it is perfect, yet for me, it is boring and I need to move onward. Besides, I have Windows to do anything I need when I need such an operating system….except, I get bored quickly with OS’s that are stagnate and everything is too stable…

Therefore, it is time for me to search for the next victim of my quest for the best OS that I can play with. That is not boring and the challenges to overcome are what makes it worth doing. Linux is the only place for me and that is that…

We have three viable (as in the sense of useful) computers right now:

1. Sveta’s work computer is a Lenovo Yoga that I won in Estonia at a raffle…

Center Hotel – Tallinn, Estonia Just wonderful… (Coffee Time)

I do not touch it except to update what Windows says I should and she has a stable platform in Windows 10 to do what she does for work and not have any issues. That is good and why Windows is a good thing and the Yoga is one sweet laptop and I am glad that I was able to get such a device and find a use for it in the real world. 1 Euro at a raffle and what a deal…

2. The desktop I built years ago…

Honey I blew up the computer, so lets have coffee…

In 2017 I killed the old desktop and now it is almost 5 years old soon. That is a long time in computer years….hey it is five lifetimes in a tiny mouse in your house years. Longtime for somethings in our life…

Yet, I just gave it many more years of life….so here is to 5 more years!

3. My laptop that has about 1 year and then I will need to think about what to do…

Maibenben Laptops (XiaoMai 6Pro-E5100)

Yes I can keep it going for 10 more years….but that is no fun as I strive forward and forward some more everyday to keep up with the times and the OS’s calling my name…

About a year and I will be getting grouchy at the inability to perform the upgrades the way I appreciate doing such things….gotta have one computer that does it all and my laptop is such as that computer for that function…

It is a powerhouse after I have done my tricks of the trade on it….yet, I see a 10 Gen processor getting old and limited to 32 GB of RAM is getting old and only a 248 GB SSD getting old and I am getting old and both the laptop and I will need some rejuvenation in some form…. 😉

Those are my thoughts today….just started to download a new Linux as I write this….Oh Boy! I can’t wait…


Tidbit of info for when someone gets hurt at our flats in Moscow, Russia…

Like in the Tiny Russian Village, I record many things day in and day out. This is an issue that will harm someone and most likely when a mother is pushing her stroller and or carriage…

Look and see the chunk of wall that has come loose. It is at the top between floors and the whole section of facade is cracking. Hairline cracks are appearing as the moisture freezes that gets behind the cracks and then pushes the wall concrete layer off the building…

This is not a new issue and has been going on and jimmy rigged three times in the past…

Big section fell this morning and the workers just pick it up and go about their business and no one seems to care…

Ouch that will hurt as it falls upon a head and or into someones baby carriage…


Well that was slicker than counting to 7, err I mean to 11 (Windows 7 to 11 updating!)

Started last night moving (hours of transferring files to external hard drives) and backing up data for the mess I was about to peregrinate upon and I tried to cover all bases twice and or more over and over! Nothing worse than an upset better half when you demonstrate your abilities and foolishly fail…

Today will be consumed by upgrading our Desktop OS…

Well that went smoothly and other than a bit of communication upon the World Wide Web and a couple of twists in the the system, we now have, as I write this, Windows 11 on our older desktop with…

1. Processor – AMD FX(tm)-4300 Quad-Core Processor – 3.80 GHz, Installed RAM – 16.0 GB…

2. Edition – Windows 11 Pro, Version – 21H2, Installed on – ‎12/6/‎2021, OS build 22000.348, Experience – Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.348.0…

Plus I installed all updates and saved literally all usable software and all of my Sweet Pea’s data is in place just like it was before…

Sweet Pea will be surprised at how it all worked, for she is one whom expects everything to work and just work….like all of her 4TB of saved data to be available and all her favorite software to be waiting for her to use it. My past record has been tarnished at times! 😉

Hmm, I guess I will not be in trouble?

The main thing is that after I have played with Windows 11 on my laptop that just loves Windows 1,1 how do I get it installed the same perfect upon our old desktop and make it all work?

Work hard, smart and efficiently….than a touch of magic…

Every drive installed perfect, our old NVIDIA card, the old monitor, the whatnot’s are all installed without a hiccup and it just works…

All of her data is available and put back in place….thanks to Firefox sync and Microsoft sync….everything, passwords, sites, hmm….everything….it also is very fast, much faster than Windows 7…

Kinda scary actually….(Knock on Wood!)

As Grandma would have said, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!”

“Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Ah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang”


South Korea and their Hypersonic Cruise Missile is A-Okay, but China’s is not A-Okay

So South Korea announces Hypersonic weapons and we hear crickets chirping…

SEOUL—South Korea has revealed plans to begin testing a prototype for a ground-launched hypersonic cruise missile in 2022. The Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and local defense prime Hanwha debuted the Hycore prototype concept Dec. 3 at the Defense Acquisition Program Administration’s Core…

Source: South Korea Unveils Hypersonic Cruise Missile Prototype Concept | Aviation Week Network

But China has been doing the same and we have heard nothing but condemnation…

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says China’s pursuit of hypersonic weapons “increases tensions in the region”.

Source: US defence chief slams China’s hypersonic weapons tests for ‘destabilising regional security’ during South Korea security talks – ABC News

One more about China and there are a bunch to read….just search. Yet SK is basically crickets singing in the night…

SEOUL, South Korea — The U.S. defense chief said Thursday that China’s pursuit of hypersonic weapons “increases tensions in the region.”

Source: U.S. defense chief slams China’s drive for hypersonic weapons – POLITICO

So South Korea is good to have Hypersonic weapons and China bad?
