Today will be consumed by upgrading our Desktop OS…

I know: Lets do a “Straight from Windows 7 to Windows 11 Upgrade!”


Do not lose any of my Sweet Pea’s stuff, data, bookmarks, history and whatnot’s…


Ignore Microsoft’s attitude about such things and get a much more secure system for my Sweet Pea…

Now this will be a very fun day!

Talk to everyone tomorrow…


Trying to get my vaccine booster situated…

Not easy at times being in a foreign country and getting things done at times. The only vaccine that I find safe to take is a Russian Vaccine and that means I must find the hoops and jump through them again to get that vaccine…

Sputnik V is the only safe vaccine, nothing else will I trust…

We will see, for the Russian Duma has instill blockades for some of us to get this done within Russia. This is like so many countries where the intentions of the main leaders are messed with by a bunch of bored Gov wannabees and they have nothing else to do but toss around trash as they try to find some importance between the times they sleep at their jobs while in session…

Yes it is the same everywhere and us peasants always pay for wannabees and their power grabs…


Red Lines aren’t a dance invitation…

Is a Red Line…

Red Lines aren’t a dance invitation one accepts or rejects but a Notification of Intent to Act which one can take seriously or Dismiss out-of-hand. If certain conditions prevail, Then certain actions Will be taken. No “and or buts.”

It’s no wonder that Washington cannot grasp the import of a Red Line. They take no use of language seriously, even their own. But as a helpful hint, someone might suggest an alternative phrase, one which Washington understands well and practices on the regular: Deal Breaker, instead of Red Line, with Peace and War being the alternatives.


So the Spoiled Brat is still Spoiled, as the USA proves what she really is! A Brat…

The West again is acting like it is sitting on the high ground. This is the West that has no morals, no integrity, no honor, no respect for human life or our planet, no respect for the sovereignty of any nation, no respect for international law or any religions. – (&) – Now we have circled the drain and have are putting Iran in the spot light again. A spot light that should be focused only upon ourselves in the mirror, within the USA. As always the West is actually sitting in the mud at the foot of the high grounds…

The US has suddenly pulled out of talks aimed at returning to the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal with Iran and six other nations, claiming Tehran isn’t “serious” about the negotiations. Source: US Ends Vienna Talks, Says Iran Not ‘Serious’ About Meeting JCPOA Compliance Standards – 03.12.2021, Sputnik International

More projection by the US. It is the US that is not serious. They are the ones who walked away from the deal after not fully complying. Iran was the only one that did fully comply. In this case, the US once more shows it is not only unable to keep a deal, but to stay the course with discussions to get the US back into the deal they walked away from without cause. This is not on Iran, but on the untrustworthy and two-faced US and Israel…