And you thought I was crazy talking about Russia and Redlines… (Those Russian Red Lines)

West backpedaling after they stepped up to the Red Line in the snow and ice…

Starting to see a quick back peddling while acting tough by the western puppets…

Now the backpedal continues…

It was the past few weeks; Russia would attack any second and yet now we get to wait until next year sometime….I am not really sure why Russia would wait? Let me ask some Russians and I will get back to you about why they would wait around for 2022 (sometime in) to attack Ukraine?

Citing sources and a US intelligence document, The Washington Post reported late Friday that planning is allegedly underway by Moscow for a military offensive as early as 2022 that will include up to 175,000 troops. Source: US Intel Claims Russia is Planning Multi-Front Offensive Against Ukraine in 2022

And….Biden is getting tough over Redlines by Russia and gonna tell Putin a thing or two…

JOE BIDEN has sent a huge warning to Vladimir Putin by stating he will not accept “red lines” set by Russia as fears surge Moscow could trigger a major war with neighbouring Ukraine. Source: Joe Biden news: ‘Will NOT accept red lines’ US attack Putin as tensions explode | World | News |

Cross the Redlines and watch what happens!

Redlines and or Red Lines? Pick your spelling for they mean the same to Russia…

One of those Redlines is?

MOSCOW, Nov 30 (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia would be forced to act if its “red lines” on Ukraine were crossed by NATO, saying Moscow would view the deployment of certain offensive missile capabilities on Ukrainian soil as a trigger. Source: Putin warns Russia will act if NATO crosses its red lines in Ukraine | Reuters

No bluffing people, Russians do not know about bluffing…


West backpedaling after they stepped up to the Red Line in the snow and ice…

See my post yesterday talked about this…

Starting to see a quick back peddling while acting tough by the western puppets…

Now Norway puts in her two cents worth…

When directly asked whether the government wants to keep vessels and aircraft from the US and the UK at a keep greater distance from Russia, Huitfeldt said that she seeks a dialogue with both countries about it in order to safeguard Norway’s interests.“It is in Norway’s interest to take care of these areas on its own, with the Norwegian defence,” Huitfeldt reiterated.

Source: New Norwegian Government to Restrict NATO Traffic Near Russia – 03.12.2021, Sputnik International

Yet they all walked up to the Red Line and threw crap over it to get a reaction and that my friend is really stupid when the side (country) you are tossing #$%& at has the ability to “clean your clock”!

It confirms my opinion that most if not all “Western Governments” are Psychotic and very sick!


West backpedaling after they stepped up to the Red Line in the snow and ice…

Peng Shuai? Western lie to set China up to degrade Olympics coming up…

In a statement, WTA boss Steve Simon said: “I don’t see how I can ask our athletes to compete there when Peng Shuai is not allowed to communicate freely and has seemingly been pressured to contradict her allegation of sexual assault.“Given the current state of affairs, I am also greatly concerned about the risks that all of our players and staff could face if we were to hold events in China in 2022.”

Source: WTA versus China: Who will back down over Peng Shuai? — RT Sport News

Mark my words this is the same thing done time and time again by the west to Russia, North Korea, China and many others. Lies and more lies…


Starting to see a quick back peddling while acting tough by the western puppets…

The Ukrainian president wants to talk with Putin now. : Oops…

NATO Secretary General says, “NATO provides guarantees of security to its member states, while Ukraine is not one of them.” : Oops…

Washington is ready to introduce large-scale economic sanctions on Moscow in the case of an alleged possible Russian invasion in Ukraine, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a press conference. (So now it is alleged invasion of Ukraine?) – Oops…

So as the “NATO Turns” soap opera and theater continue the sad excuse for a TV daytime soap show. As with any old and worn out TV show, that has writers that have run out of ideas….NATO has reached its limits and now we see back pedaling on all the rhetoric that has been going on in the last few days…

Give it a few more days and some ignoble character in the West will start another round of “Lets blame Russia”. And or maybe they will throw some $%#@ at China and see if it sticks? Iran has been left alone for awhile and North Korea is getting no attention and by all means we have totally ignored Venezuela for way to long…

See how I said earlier that the USA threatens with sanctions and more sanctions and more sanctions!

Oh boy, more Russian sanctions by the sanction idiots of the world…

Better wake up people, the warmongers are play games with Russian Red Lines and Russia does not bluff and some over zealous Western Moronic Neocon will step over the Rubicon and start WW3…


Well that was fast and appropriate, yet it hurts this and other US Citizens within Russia

Yes Russia is getting fed up and yes Russia will send tit for tat what the USA does and that is only fair…

So now the Kremlin has responded to the last illegal move the USA did against the Russian Embassy in the USA…

American embassy workers who have been stationed in Moscow for over three years have been given just weeks to leave the country, Russia’s foreign ministry has announced, amid a growing row with Washington over diplomatic visas.

Source: Russia tells US embassy staff to leave Moscow — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

I said yesterday:

The families of the US diplomats, currently working in Moscow and throughout the Russian Federation had best start dusting off their suitcases.

Stupid is as stupid does and this just makes my life harder and harder as the USA keeps belligerently pushing on the Russian consulates and Embassies in the USA…

~~Thanks a bunch~~ Jerk ass government of mine!



“I want to emphasize that this was not our choice,” Zakharova continued. “Our American partners have forced this sort of game upon us. We have been consistently trying to reason with them for a long time in order to seek a constructive resolution to the issue, but they made their choice.”

Source: Moscow slams Washington’s ‘act of expulsion’ against Russian diplomats – Russian Politics & Diplomacy – TASS