The families of the US diplomats, currently working in Moscow and throughout the Russian Federation had best start dusting off their suitcases.

Here we go again…

The USA has now decided that renewing visas for the Russian family of Russian diplomats in the USA is not gonna happen. Russia’s Ambassador to the USA Anatoly Antonov has stated that 27 Russian diplomats will be forced to leave the country on January 30th, 2022 and the same amount will have to depart on June 30th, 2022. Unless the USA changes their situation that has caused this issue…


The families of the USA diplomats, currently working in Moscow and throughout the Russian Federation had best start dusting off their suitcases…

They be coming home soon also…


Yes Windows 11 really does simply work & play…

Well I have dual booted my Windows 11 laptop with my favorite Linux and that will allow me to salvage any data that Windows 11 may or may not decided to toss in “File Thirteen” without my permission, for Windows 10 did just that & a good reason I did not like Windows 10… (Data Loss? Never say nothing will happen in the computer world!)

Windows 11 is definitely a Keeper…

Windows 11 is humming along and after multiple small updates and I joined the beta program again and got more updates and even more updates. It has settled down to being very stable and happy…

I even brought out my Doom 3 disk and it installed no issues at all after a few tweaks (couple of patches and one I wrote myself) and played perfect. I have had that disk since 2004 when I lived in the USA. I wondered would it be a terrible ordeal to install on a new computer? Nope…

Yes, I have been known to game in the old days…

The built in NVIDIA card really works great with it…

But Doom 3 makes me seasick feeling. Maybe I won’t play that in my old age?

Therefore, I have settled down on my laptop and decided to give the next few months to Windows 11 and do a long term evaluation of it…

So in the future, after Winter? I will see what I think about Windows 11 again…


Really USA you expect “me” to believe this? Russia Travel Advisory Level 4 – Clown World, If you’re not worried you should be…

It is official and they post it in black and white: The USA is bonkers and since I am an American living in Russia, traveling in Russia and well doing Russians things in Russia! This is really the biggest bunch of ignorant lies and seriously people….the US is a sick psychotic mess of lies and immorality….this is put out by our government on a government website – Yippy Zippy!

U.S. citizens, including former and current U.S. government and military personnel and private citizens engaged in business, who are visiting or residing in Russia have been interrogated without cause, and threatened by Russian officials and may become victims of harassment, mistreatment, and extortion. All U.S. government personnel should carefully consider their need to travel to Russia. Russian security services have arrested U.S. citizens on spurious charges, denied them fair and transparent treatment, and have convicted them in secret trials and/or without presenting evidence. Russian officials may unreasonably delay U.S. consular assistance to detained U.S. citizens. Russian authorities arbitrarily enforce local laws against U.S. citizen religious workers and open questionable criminal investigations against U.S. citizens engaged in religious activity. Russian security services are increasingly arbitrarily enforcing local laws targeting foreign and international organizations they consider “undesirable,” and U.S. citizens should avoid travel to Russia to perform work for or volunteer with non-governmental organizations.

Source: Russia Travel Advisory

I despise lies, flagrant lies about other countries and the ones posting these warnings and such….know that they are lies and they still post lies as if they are truth and that is why the USA has no credibility in anything anymore…

~~ I think I will take a walk and get harassed? ~~

What it means people is that USA sponsored immoral actions by NGO’s and other individuals are not allowed to spread money around buying people to riot and whine and the USA is telling you that Russia is a bad place because they do not allow USA sponsored propaganda and undermining Russian traditions and culture!

Good grief what a sick country the USA is!

Clown World, If you’re not worried you should be…


PS: The only issues that I have in Russia are USA related issues that hinder my rights as a US Citizen and keep me from getting anything done at my own Embassy in Moscow. Now I have to go to Poland to get anything done….seriously, All communication for me is with US Embassy in Poland…

Stupid USA Government…

Russia Did It again; The All Options Toolkit® (table model) by The Acme Corporation…

As you can appreciate, all options are on the table and there’s a toolkit that includes a whole range of options,
said by – Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried.

Therefore, we must have a new toolkit:

Introducing the: “All Options Toolkit® (table model)” to have instructions to follow the range of said toolkit…

The “Range” instructions of the All Options Toolkit® (table model): is as follows…

1) Repeat standard set of anti-Russian lies…

2) Throw a tantrum with threats of “consequences”…

3) Impose useless sanctions…

If this procedure does not work? Then find another pre-made by USA fake issue and start procedure over. Sooner or later when you throw enough @#$% against the wall something has to stick…Right?


This is my forecast; “If I can’t have “it” no one can” attitude of those that did it…

In a nutshell…

The West is in decrease, can’t be halted, sliding toward the abyss all done by savage greedy industrialist type rejects, whom have torn apart Western Economies for short term self-satisfaction and all to the advantage of a minuscule few human cockroaches and all to the disadvantage of the masses of humans just trying to make a living…

cockroach(n.) A pest-bug with an ability to rebound from danger, and famous for being a sign of a dirty house, and being able to withstand a nuclear war. Similarly, it can refer to an annoying human who seems to be indestructable, yet annoying to those who don’t have the ability to annoy themselves. Dis man, he is a cock-a-roach. – by Kung-Fu Jesus May 12, 2004 – Source: Urban Dictionary: cockroach

Therefore, since them, those few driven human cockroaches, driven by greed and hunger for power do not desire to taking a gander at the reality they’ve destroyed. (Now talk about messing their own bed where they reside.) Thus, things will slide into disorder as a result of the disparity brought about by their voracious arrangements and need to adjust their perspectives at how they look at the world and other humans…

Yet them who set in motion the train wreck and now are not able to and can’t stop the train wreck that is now happening, since they desire even more money and more money and more money and are unable to let go of that last cent that they reach for as everything withers around them…

So they/them/those few are fundamentally going to toss their toys out of the pram (Yet I am sure that they will hang on to their Binky?) and proceed with the conflict that will end everything…

If I can’t have “it” no one can…

That is my forecast. These individuals are so ravenous to remain stinking filthy rich, that they would prefer to kick the bucket and take us all with them, than live with the disappointment of their own arrangements to keep them as domineering of the world and lords among their own kin…

If I can’t have “it” no one can…