Hmm…it’s Thanksgiving in the USA!

Svetochka like any good SweetPea made sure that I was reminded of a very important US Holiday! Very important, because of such good food….like Christmas….like New Years and other things are important also! Did I mention Food?

So….we will have in small portions of course….turkey, pumpkin, green leaf salad, fresh blackberries, bread dressing, mash potatoes and other whatsits…

So I better get cooking and make sure that my SweetPea has her holiday meal, except….there is no Thanksgiving Holiday in Russia…

Don’t tell my SweetPea that…

Happy Thanksgiving!


All Hail Queen Omicron…

King Covid-19 was bad enough and we were just starting to accept the King as a bad dude. But alas, the King Covid-19 has lost his crown. Well okay at least as far as the screaming media and ignorant politicians dancing in the background…

Enter “Queen Omicron of the Covid-19 Dynasty”, and she has just slapped King Covid-19 around and put him in his place. Poor King, finding out the hard way that Queens do rule the roost…

~~ Therefore, everyone panic and get ready to die! ~~

Queen Omicron is coming…

So while I contemplate my inevitable death at the hands of Queen Omicron. I will think about other things to distract me from my impending death….like how the hell did we let the USA get away with starting this Covid crap?

Is the USA just recently an evil empire? Just recently a hallow corpse of its God fearing former self?

Sorrowfully I agree that lately the USA is a very sick society. America should withdraw all its military to continental USA…

A hallow corpse of its God fearing former self? Maybe she is that, but actually always has been….Maybe we only knew the US as it was portrayed on the silver screen, in the forked tongue media and within the halls of facades of democracy…

Haven’t we always fought wars with no intention of winning? But rather to stimulate the economy at the price of thousands of lives at home and hundreds of thousands abroad? Remember, when Kennedy tried to stop it? They simply killed him and he was done away with? I remember, even if you chose to ignore the truth? It still happened…


Well lets see? Weight loss, DDoS, Sammy and birthdays…

My goal was just reached to hit 95 kilos with all clothes on, not shoes (My shoes are a size 50 or a size 15+ US and are really heavy and depressing to weigh with them on…) and yesterday I hit that goal. Now lets grab onto 90 kilos the same way! Not as easy now that I am getting thinner and thinner. Still have a ways to hit that 85 kilos I desire but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it is getting brighter everyday…

Height Weight Chart – Ideal Weight for Men and Women

6′ 3″ (grouchy grumpy old male)

(191 cm)

176/216 lb

(79.8/98 kg)

As my SweetPea says, “You look really good!” But then she loves me and is trying to help my moral!

Maybe at 90 kilos I will will asses my weight?

8007 posts on WtR (Windows to Russia) and that is official number as to what is left from so many denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks over the many years of WtR writing too many truths…

Fought a big attack yesterday….again attacked through the comment system, such a weak point in WordPress and again I have to contemplate are comments worth the time and trouble? Shredded the site from a DC based Government computer system with hundred’s of thousands of hits per-hour for most of the day. Had to go to the hosting and even block my site for an hour and stop the attack that way. Now I have blocked all the IP involved that did the dirty work….they simply hated this link below…

The Direction the West is taking the world…

Grab it children and attack away. I need more IP numbers to block….also you see a new template….the hosting has a new WordPress tracking and help system that I have the site using and it gave me fair warning that my favorite template is way way out of date, not even update able and needs replacement not repair…

So I grabbed a basic and very up to date template, maybe I will talk to Svetochka to pay for the premium version, for I need a very good company that will keep the template up to date against issues…

Just might be a first for me, getting too old to mess with this crap all the time…

Good Golly Molly, I like Windows 11 and my laptop is just singing along with happiness. Now my thoughts are turning toward building a new desktop system from an old system sitting around that will take Windows 11. Thus, I have been looking at Gen 11 chips and motherboards to upgrade the old case with. My 10 Gen laptop is great and maybe I can find a deal from China to desktop in style?

I have all the money sent years ago for getting a 4X4 and it is looking like it will be put toward a limited slip rear end for Sammy the Volga. After so much studying that my head started to hurt, a limited slip rear (LSD) will give Sammy the same everything as a basic new LADA Niva (no LSD either axle is normal) would and more. The only thing that Sammy would need to match it would be to increase ground clearance by two inches….which I am able to do myself easily…

That way, we can get into the Tiny Russian Village in winter if we desire…

Now to find that perfect LSD from some Gaz Gazelle Truck and get our Big Village mechanic guy to install it this next summer!

Decisions decision decisions….Dreams dreams dreams….$ $ $

Sveta’s mother just had a birthday and no we do not ever talk about a ladies age….and Sveta has been at her home having a birthday party time. The family got her a new Samsung Tab7 and it took the complete crashing of her old one to get her to accept a new one. But she is happy and Sveta has been enjoying her time with her mother…

Very important that daughters keep well in tune with their mothers and everyone can age gracefully as time goes by…

Now to check blood sugar (I woke up at 3.5 mmol/l) and got to see if that breakfast worked? Blood pressure was pretty low also, but coffee fixes that and I weighed 94.8 kilos this morning…

Have a nice day…


~~ I know, just cancel Thanksgiving and wear a mask inside all the time ~~

How about zip tying a good quality thick plastic trash bag over your head around the neck. That will keep you safe….tighter please….Good Job! Wait, no cheating….no holes in the bag please…

Please zip tie it very well please! That is it around the neck and tighter please. Good job! Now Covid-19 can’t get you…

Well, we all know that such “mandates,” which are unenforceable, and obviously not enforced, are not actually “mandates,” per se, but rather, advice in view of perceived interpretations of the real mandates — you know, the mandates issued by reality itself and backed up by “capital punishment” for convicted violators of the laws of reality/truth itself — reality of the virus itself…

Yes our King Covid-19 world is such a Orwellian 1984 world it is scary and soon that big eye will be installed in all our homes to make sure that everyone complies with all the mandates…

How about zip tying a good quality thick plastic trash bag over your head around the neck. That will keep you safe….tighter please….Good Job! Wait, no cheating….no holes in the bag please…


Don’t believe in Twitter? Well here is the official news below…

Amid the spike in COVID cases in the San Francisco Bay Area, Santa Cruz County has imposed a sweeping indoor mask mandate for private settings including homes.

Source: California County Mandates Masks in Private Homes | National Review

Oh boy, more Russian sanctions by the sanction idiots of the world…

The EU and USA: Russia stay away from the USA/EU….forever! They are bad news and will take you down with them…

The US complains & sanctions, Europe freezes from no Gaz (Gas) & whines, Russia looks on in amazement and around and around we go…

Blinken said in a statement, “The Department of State has submitted a report to Congress pursuant to the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act of 2019 (PEESA), as amended. The report lists two vessels and one Russia-linked entity, Transadria Ltd., involved in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Transadria Ltd. will be sanctioned under PEESA, and its vessel, the Marlin, will be identified as blocked property.”

WASHINGTON, November 23. /TASS/. The US Department of State has listed two vessels and a “Russia-linked entity” in a report submitted to the Congress pursuant to the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act of 2019 (PEESA), Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

Source: US may sanction two vessels, one entity involved in Nord Stream 2 project – top diplomat – World – TASS

Using this illegal amendment as if it is law for the world to follow…


And you wonder why I say the USA is a terrorist organization?

Stop wondering….and Russia….send all the Gaz to the east….when Europe freezes and has to buy three times the cost in fuel they will come crying/whining back to Russia. Until then ignore the west and let them act like children…


“It has become a sign of the times for many years already that a number of Western states, most Western states, actually, led by the Americans, use politically motivated, unilateral restrictions, which are introduced for everything: with or without a reason, as they say. And, of course, a blatant example here is what they are doing with Nord Stream 2,” Lavrov said.

Source: Lavrov calls sanctions against Nord Stream 2 “blatant example” of Western actions – Russian Politics & Diplomacy – TASS