Well I guess Peppa Pig is the new Western mascot and we should all bow down to Peppa Pig!

I really think that all politicians need mental illness tests…

Go Peppa Pig, you got this…


Windows 11 is definitely a Keeper…

When Microsoft announced Windows 11 and unannounced and announced and unannounced and finally announced, I had some dubiety within my inner-self. I have not been a fan of Windows for quite sometime now. I use to work hard with them on new systems and such, yet the direction that they were going failed to stimulate me in anyway. I even became more cynical when I realized that Windows and Ubuntu had snicked a partnership under the noses of Linux and Windows fans…

That caused me to send Ubuntu to the dustbin of not caring about….

Then I got a personal e-mail and I was asked by someone from another dustbin sent moment, to install Windows 11 on my no-doubt Linux running laptop I would be using. It is also known that I just cannot resist shiny new trinkets and carrots on a string of binary code….So after two minutes of deep thinking and soul searching….I grabbed the link given to me and downloaded 5.5 Gigs on a ISO link (5.1 for ISO and some more goodies for me to check out) I was sent by e-mail and flashed it through Linux to a flash drive…

Then I soul searched and said to whom would listen and since no one was around, no one listened, “But you said NO MORE WINDOWS!” Then I said, “Microsoft said that Windows 10 was forever!” Then I said, “Damn you Microsoft!”

Then I created a mirror backup of my OS and set all aside and inserted the flash drive into the port….it felt like I was in a movie gathering data from illicit sources….was fun actually and I found myself hoping that Windows actually could be something, anything, something better….never thought that I would feel that way again…

I already knew that TPM 2.0 was no issue, I had a 10th Gen processor, 16 gigs of RAM and check check check for anything that would mess up the install and then I should have remembered that this was not a squelched ISO from marketing….this is an install on anything, anywhere, anytime and anyplace ISO and I hit the restart button…

I was pleasantly surprised at the speed of install, the ease of install and it was like the laptop was waiting for this new Windows 11. It came to life like a sleeping beast….one that I have only had wake since I had been using Arch Linux and such….except this was so easy to install, a monkey could do it. I guess that is the point for most humans on earth anymore?

My laptop is a Maibenben…

Maibenben Laptops (XiaoMai 6Pro-E5100)

The Maibenben is a workhorse and just does everything I toss at it with style and flare. Best laptop I have ever owned and for the power on hand, it is dirt cheap…


Yes it is Chinese and what isn’t anymore? What counts is that I can easily fix what is needed and replace and update what needs to be and no one yells at me for doing it. So Windows 11 better not yell at me or it will be a very short lived trial and relationship! Never fear….Windows 11 and my Maibenben are in love…

I tried to find issues, I tried to find fault and I spent hours beating the OS with all the nasty nasty ways to find weakness….it was solid as a rock and it was actually fun to use and most of all, it was like using a Linux with all my favorite Windows stuff hiding beneath all the goodies/features…

It was almost scary; drivers worked, one driver was easily found, nothing was missing, my old ancient Microsoft account activated and gave me even my old coffee bitmap tile for a wallpaper. In a few minutes….I had never left Windows and found myself entranced within a Linux desktop to of familiarity…

I was not sure if any of the new features would actually be useful, or if I’d get used to the Apple style/centered icons on the taskbar. I was also worried about the stability of the new operating system. But to my surprise, after spending the last few days with Windows 11, I’m exulted to say it’s damn good and exceedingly stable for the first time since Windows 7 and XP (mostly) before that and Windows 98 before that….they have actually hit the nail on the head with this version and that means they will mess it up, right?

Its much easier and faster to navigate for the layman, it has new features, new designed all based around streamlining your workflow and fun, it updates automatically for those laymen, and it looks as sleeky eye-candy as the Apple and Linux competition. The use to be competition that is…

I see the definable connection between that hush hush Ubuntu/Microsoft partnership in all I am playing with in Windows 11 right now. While that upset my desire for Ubuntu and I still watch with apprehension about the connections going on. I find that the world will do what it does and we must either adapt and or get buried along with the dinosaurs…

So, “What?”

I dunno….my Maibenben loads too fast, is too stable, too fun, too good right now and I am not sure if that is too much for me to accept long term. I like to fix and tinker. If I leave Windows 11 on my laptop? Will I be happy with, “Too Good!”

Then I realized that too good is not perfect and for awhile I will beat the OS System to death and will find all the flaws. Fix those flaws and then after that….decide…

Thus, if you are just wanting an OS to do what they should do? If you hated Windows 10 and wanted change? If all the past quirks irritated you in Windows? – Then Windows 11 will make you smile and realize that while Microsoft is a sucky company, they have been listening and working diligently behind the scene to change a bunch of crap that pissed me off time and time again…

Maybe after I am done thrashing Windows 11?

I dunno! But I really like Windows 11 and Microsoft has made something that should make the masses happy, now just make it so that all machines (computers) can run it, just like a Linux can be found for any machine out there…

My money is on that one day Windows will be able to compete with Linux in its abilities….not just being a masses centrism OS for baby sitting peasants…

Windows 11 just works for me and my Maibenben at least…


PS: But our Lenovo laptop is a no go and will stay Windows 10 and the desktop will stay Windows 7 until it dies…

I have really tried to love, Windows 10…

And we have Android added to Windows now…


Nice to see a leader not shy away from Church and State odds and ends…

Putin congratulated Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia on his 75th birthday in the Kremlin on Saturday. “Allow me to sincerely congratulate you on your 75th birthday. You chose for yourself the path of spiritual, moral service and follow it with dignity, wisdom and the deep understanding of the responsibility for the fate of our people, the fate of Russia,” Putin said.

Source: Putin awards Order of St. Andrew the Apostle to Patriarch Kirill – Kremlin – Society & Culture – TASS

Nice to see this and congrats to Patriarch Kirill on his 75th Birthday….may there be many more…


The Direction the West is taking the world…

When the Y in the road was approached?

The wrong path was taken, decided upon and embraced by the Western World and now they are trying to drag us all into the Abyss with them…

No thank you!

I want to stay on the correct path, so please go quietly and drown in the Abyss, alone, Western World!

You deserve it in all your self-glorified, propagandized importance and narcissistic desires…


The West does not take Russia’s warnings about red lines seriously and that is one huge mistake…

The West does not take Russia’s warnings about red lines seriously, particularly when it comes to the Black Sea region, with NATO’s strategic bombers conducting flights as close as 20 kilometers from the Russian border, which is what Moscow will not leave unanswered, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated at an expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry. Lawmakers pointed out to Izvestia that by sending signals about its readiness to cooperate with Russia, NATO only seeks to distract Moscow from the alliance’s policy aimed at stepping up military activities in the Black Sea and Ukraine.

Source: Press review: Lukashenko chalks up win and global warming eroding Russia’s Arctic coast – Press Review – TASS

Enough warnings from WtR in the past about these issues and that means Russia is getting fed up and we should all take notice…

I watch and wait to see what the western children do in the future!