The West does not take Russia’s warnings about red lines seriously and that is one huge mistake…

The West does not take Russia’s warnings about red lines seriously, particularly when it comes to the Black Sea region, with NATO’s strategic bombers conducting flights as close as 20 kilometers from the Russian border, which is what Moscow will not leave unanswered, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated at an expanded meeting of the Foreign Ministry. Lawmakers pointed out to Izvestia that by sending signals about its readiness to cooperate with Russia, NATO only seeks to distract Moscow from the alliance’s policy aimed at stepping up military activities in the Black Sea and Ukraine.

Source: Press review: Lukashenko chalks up win and global warming eroding Russia’s Arctic coast – Press Review – TASS

Enough warnings from WtR in the past about these issues and that means Russia is getting fed up and we should all take notice…

I watch and wait to see what the western children do in the future!


Vova coming home from hospital. Lucky guy and good health care…

Two weeks and doctors had tried the proven cortisone treatment because his lungs were in very very bad shape and it seems to have worked and Vova is soon to be released to get back to the Tiny Russian Village…

Corticosteroids have received increasing focus as an emerging therapy in COVID-19, particularly in patients receiving respiratory support as

Source: Corticosteroids in COVID-19: A double-edged sword – a retrospective study | Medicina Intensiva

Vova in the Tiny Russian Village fighting Covid-19…

Good healthcare for Vova did the job…

I really hope Vova has learned something?

Maybe curtail the all night party times with any Muscovite who comes down, maybe instead of turning down the vaccine when offered two months earlier when they came out to give him the vaccine, etc. etc. and etc…

He has had a rough month with King Covid-19 ruling his life…

I hope he has learned something, for I would like him to be around awhile!


PDF Treatment Tidbit

~~ Oh No! Get better Sassy! ~~

My favorite political puppet in the whole wide world is in the hospital! Maybe he is done with his weight loss program? I like the way I lose weight better, slow and steady…

TBILISI (Sputnik) – Former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has been delivered with a mobile intensive care unit to a military hospital in the city of Gori, where he will rehabilitate from a hunger strike, the Pirveli broadcaster reported.

Source: Saakashvili Delivered to Military Hospital in Gori – Reports – 19.11.2021, Sputnik International

I just keep on following what this guy does. I am suspecting that he is in mid-life crises right now? What with new girlfriend, marching across the Georgian boarder and whatnot’s…

Word of advice Sassy: You should have bought the Corvette!


Pfizer испытает новый препарат от COVID в России – Pfizer to test new COVID drug in Russia

Американская фармкомпания Pfizer получила разрешение Росздравнадзора на проведение в России клинических испытаний эффективности препарата ингибитор протеазы+ритонавир для профилактики COVID-19. Соответствующая информация содержится в государственном реестре лекарственных средств. Из него следует, что препарат будет исследоваться среди взрослых, контактировавших в домашних условиях с пациентами с симптоматическими проявлениями коронавируса. В испытаниях, которые будут проводиться в ряде государственных и частных медучреждений в Подмосковье, Санкт-Петербурге, Смоленске, Барнауле и других городах, примут участие 90 человек. – The American pharmaceutical company Pfizer received permission from Roszdravnadzor to conduct clinical trials in Russia of the effectiveness of the protease inhibitor + ritonavir for the prevention of COVID-19. The relevant information is contained in the state register of medicines. It follows from it that the drug will be investigated among adults who have been in contact at home with patients with symptomatic manifestations of coronavirus. 90 people will take part in the tests, which will be carried out in a number of public and private medical institutions in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Barnaul and other cities.

Source: Pfizer испытает новый препарат от COVID в России – Ведомости

Hmm….since I definitely do not trust Pfizer in any form and or manner, I will definitely pass on anything to do with this company!

Good luck people who try it out…


Speaking of this drug…

The administration of US President Joe Biden is planning to purchase a new anti-coronavirus drug developed by Pfizer, sources told The New York Times and The Washington Post. According to the company, these pills can reduce the risk of hospitalization or death from coronavirus by 89%