Vova in the Tiny Russian Village fighting Covid-19…

Vova has animals to take care of and his life/home is quarantined also. Vova also is at a hospital full time, yet his animals have to be taken care of. Thus Vova, spends 20 hours a day on IV Drip or a Dropper as Russians call it at the hospital and then in the mornings is taken to his home at the Tiny Russian Village and he feeds and cares for his animals, before going back to the hospital and gets put on the drip again…

The drip is drugs that the hospital has determined to help him the best they can for his situation….??? Who knows what exactly they are giving him. Vova doesn’t care and all he wants to do is survive…

As all involved agree, if you can keep from the respirator, you got a good chance…

So we still wait and we still pray and we hope for the best for Vova the Tiny Russian Village resident…


Tidbit: Vova is the only official citizen of the Tiny Russian Village. No one else who stays and or lives there is registered at the Tiny Russian Village called Kommuna. The home we own now was Nikolai’s and he was registered and was the last one before Vova. Vova is the only true resident of TRV and gets his pension based on that. Everyone else has Moscow residence…

Lets watch what happens!

An olive branch was handed by China to US yesterday: Let us see how it will be accepted and or embraced by an Empire in Decline? Will it will be by grace, compassion and humility, or by anger, hate and hostility?

Let’s watch what happens!


Simple: I was 355 lbs once upon a time and now 205 lbs = 150 lbs of fat…

I no longer carry a full grown person around with me in my pocket:

I rechecked articles and retraced my being fat as a pig history and now can be as accurate as I can in my endeavors to lose and losing weight. I had at the peak of weight gain, reached 355 pounds at my ignorant worst in fat weight. I am now at 205 pounds. I have Lost 150 pounds of fat….I had reached the point that the scales could not read my weight and I remember that I weighed at a scale at the market for giant bags of potatoes and onions….it was time to change my life…

Bluntly: Fat = Diabetes

That is 68 kilos lost as of this morning officially for me personally. No bull poop, Not good and fat as a well fed pig…

As you know? (Diabetes)

I still see a guy who has to keep on steadily dropping weight for my health….and am still too fat. Which I really am and have to admit it and not allow myself to get lackadaisical…

I refuse to lose it fast. I refuse to use tricks to lose it. I am religious about staying on track with smart eating and I can finally after all these years see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now if the train will kindly stay out of that tunnel a few more years? I will get to a proper weight to live a longer and better life…

But it is a real daily battle and like my diabetes, heart issues and whatnot’s….it will stay a daily battle!


Russia: Not “Check” but “Checkmate” as in “Game Over”


“A professional doesn’t need a hammer – a professional needs a scalpel,” a military officer in the video declares. “This is not just another aircraft of the fifth generation – this is the Checkmate.”
Source: ‘Checkmate’: Russia unveils new warplane… with no pilot — RT



The Checkmate!

DUBAI, November 14. /TASS/. The Checkmate one-engine fighter jet will received a modified AL-41F1 engine (Izdelie 117), Mikhail Nikitushkin, designer of Sukhoi Co (incorporated into the United Aircraft Corporation, or UAC, which is part of the Rostec state corporation), said on Sunday.”The engine is the existing 117 modified for a one-engine plane in terms of reliability,” he said. The United Aircraft Corporation presented a new light tactical fighter jet named Checkmate at the MAKS 2021 airshow…

Source: Russia’s Checkmate fighter jet to have modified AL-41F1 engine – Military & Defense – TASS

Now talk about a name to stir the masses and a name that has big boots to live up to!

Not “Check” but “Checkmate” as in “Game Over”… 😉


Let us chew the fat with the Kremlin in Moscow – William Burns (Director of the CIA in the USA) – in a sudden visit…

The surprise and hurried visit to “chew the fat” with the Kremlin in Moscow by William Burns (Director of the CIA in the USA) was a telling to the state of affairs as to reactions of recent responses by the Kremlin when the USA did/has and continues very bad and very stupid shenanigans against Russia and her people. The occasion for some serious communication about these western shenanigans and how to ease tensions quickly from circling the drain of war.

The U.S. Deep State got the message directly and bypassed all the political slap crap in a very sudden move by the CIA director personally getting involved. This was not a political game-fest….it was a direct, “Let us chew the fat before someone gets hurt!”

Bottom line is that Russia is very pissed and very sick of the games at her expense and is not going to tolerate any further provocations to its national and regional security. When Russia told NATO recently to stick it up its ass….NATO sputtered and wheels started to turn in panic…

The question: Is the United States of America able to grow up and change its childish belligerent behavior?

Good question and now lets watch and wait…