Pakistan Under a Gormless USA Attack…

I have to say something today about what the US is doing to Pakistan! I have many friends from Pakistan and several send me posts to post. So I have an interest in Pakistan, as does Russia also…

So when I see a simpleton response by the US to Iran and Pakistan about building a pipeline, so that Iran can make money and Pakistan can have energy security. I realize that all that I have said over the years about the US, has been validated fully by Americas own actions on the world stage and anyone with any form of intelligence can see it…

The US is a screaming Macaw bird, calling out sanction, sanction, sanction and more sanctions. As the US attempts to bully Pakistan into submission and stopping Iran from creating the conditions that will cause the US to slide farther away from the Middle East power position that it seems to be loosing as it can’t stay out of other peoples business……

Why in just the last few weeks we Americans have beat our chest and puffed up like a pigeon looking to attract a girly type bird and we are right now threatening Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Russia, China and a dozen other countries. Hell we might as well just put out an ad in everyone’s newspapers all over the world and say this, “You do as we the USA says are we are going to come and kick your ass! We are the damn rulers of the world and if you don’t like it! Get OFF…”

“Its actions (America) are very similar to those of a dog infected with rabies. Threatening behavior and confused reasoning are the symptoms of the last stages of this terminal disease. It is also prevalent in the EU and the vassal states of both US and UK. We can only hope that the strength and sanity of countries like Iran, North Korea, and Syria (although under US sponsored terrorist attack right now) and perhaps Russia, China and independent South American states will prevail and bring an end to this madness…

Most people in the world support the expansion of trade and seek to develop multicultural ties in the name of peace and goodwill. Only when we shun the warmongers, who export fear and destruction, can we live in harmony and share the bounty this earth has to offer… – Kyle”

Wouldn’t you rather be part of harmony and balance, instead of hate, death, destruction and threats. Are you happy with how the US treats the world?

I am not – We are not policing the world, we are Raping, Pillaging And Plundering  the world…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

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