People let emotions override all, people should be very very careful what you all wish for and desire as an outcome…

I think it’s frustrating for humans to talk about. People see the injustice of what was and is constantly being done to Russia and they want “acts of revenge” from Russia, without realizing that Russia has never done revenge. People want revenge for their own personal emotions. These same emotions drive the situation with Gaza and Israel also. These are the emotions that the West wants to bring up from the depths and have the raw animal excuse for killing, to invade the world populace mindset…

Russia is perhaps one of the only great powers in all history to have defeated its opponents whom attacked it and then achieved victory over the attackers without eradicating those countries off the map…

That’s why France exists today, Sweden, Poland, Japan, Germany, Turkey and the list goes on. The opposite scenario is mentally embedded within the attacking countries mindset. They would have seen Russia completely destroyed, raped and pillaged, not even in a revenge situation as Russia has the right to exercise against its attackers. It is a real issue that shows a distinct mindset illness with in the Western World and that is for another more patient individual to psychoanalyze, than me…

Thus, it is not surprising that many within the world think that Russia should behave with the cruelty and immorality of its enemies, and in this war, the World War 3, as it progresses, Russia can do it, could do it and we better hope do not have to do it. Let us hope that Russia does not have to unleash more of her weapons, many we have never seen yet…

In this perspective above, people should be very very careful what you all wish for and desire as an outcome…


About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.