- Sand Martins and they eat mosquitoes…
- This is me…
- We found the bridge…
- Real crossing…
- Fill our lake…
- Icon from Bell Tower…
Boza and I are bachelors again for at least 10 days. Maybe longer and maybe not! Therefore I decided to post some pictures that Sveta and I took, mostly by Sveta…
The Martin family of birds thrive in this village. The Bell Tower is a Purple Martin / Scissor-tail Swallow haven and the old packed sand dunes are a Sand Martin delight…
I put a picture of me! I have so many e-mails that tell me I am a Russian and lie about being and American. Seriously, people from America have such issues with someone who would even try to live in Russia, much less think Russia is a fantastic place. Seriously, they hate me for it. Therefore, here is a photo of me to hate even more. Yes I exist and in this photo I am trying to look at the structure of the bridge we found. The part I am standing on is the spillway of the lake…
The second known bridge that crosses the river that our village is located near. This bridge is only the third such bridge for maybe a hundred kilometers and I have searched for this bridge for years. I finally pinpointed it, by using a set of Soviet Military maps and yes it is there. The bridge is not functioning as of right now and that does not surprise me at all. Though as being Russianfied myself and Russians don’t care if a bridge works or not, the next picture is were you cross at and lots more fun…
The next photo is the outlet from the river pump. It is keeping our lake full of cool water. The sandy soil drains fast, so they have to pump a lot of water for the carp that they raise. The water is pumped out of the river and flows back to the river in a continuous cycle…
Last but not least, one of the icons from the bell tower. It is in bad shape, but they had someone (lets say a monkey,) climbed up to the very top of the tower and removed this sheet metal icon from many moons ago…
Next post will be some coffee thoughts…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…