- Trees to cut up!
- Getting ready to split wood.
- More wood to split.
- Original trees cut up and gone!
- lake is filling.
- Fullest I have seen.
Yesterday I finished the oak trees and got them moved out of the worlds way. It was a bad place that they were put in the first place, but all is good in the end. I spent two days cutting up six trees. Six seasoned and hard as a rock Oak trees. Vova came to help and we got it done…
I will split all that is cut to proper length and then start cutting the longer pieces. Looks like I will split wood most of the summer off and on. That should get me in good shape again… 😉
The lake is really full and looks like they are going to fill it to the max level. It is so high now that the original overflow into a small lake is usable and I have never seen that before. They have been filling for three days straight and I see why they fixed the dam. For if they had not, our lake and the one next to it, would be connected. The dam was corroded away between them and now both lakes are full. I hope they fill the lake across the road to its fullest also. We gonna have some fish!
Boza and I just cut a large part of the yard and we quit when Father Pavel came to have services. The bell was ringing and people by the dozens walked up the hill to go to church today. I stay quiet during the few hours that he is here on Saturday, just seems respectful and proper…
Been working too hard anyway for many days now, thus I better slow down today and rest. My straw boss Boza said I can rest and he is now sound asleep himself. Good boss, that Boza…
It will be 12 degrees today and sunny all day long. That is as good as it gets, for a perfect day in my eyes…
Have a nice day and enjoy life, for it is just too short not to…