Simply wonderful, we have a perfect world in the Universe…

I woke at 2:30 a.m.

I sat up on the edge of the bed and said to myself, “It is clear and crisp out and God is smiling today!”

Outside the sky was crystal clear and no lights intruding upon the view of the heavens above. The Milky Way was in full blooming glory and I stood in amazement as dozens upon dozens of falling stars (meteoroids) burned up in the atmosphere time and time again. A light show that has no equal upon the earth. Streaks of burning angel tears as I look at them…

Hundreds and hundreds of billions of stars, so many that the sky was lit by star light and thus that milky look. No moon, just darkness, satellites crossing the sky, stars, planets and streaks of delight as they burned their way across my vision and turned to vapor to drift upon the currents of our planets atmosphere…

So this morning here in Russia, that perfect sky to realize how humble and lucky we are to live in such a vast and amazing solar system. Yet, then the realization that our Galaxy is nothing but a speck of dust in the scheme of things…

+2 degrees as I walked around a bit. Then I found the perfect spot and stood and watched. Dots of light moved, I found Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and realized how red Mars is (Mercury is too fleet of foot to find), shooting stars endless this morning and a tiny faint dot moving ever so slow across the sky….Was that the space station?….How we as humans do not believe in anything but our own personal satisfaction is beyond me….the evidence of our microscopical existence in this universe is on full display. I guess that is scary to many upon our planet. I look at it all as we have so many and so much more coming in our tests of a life as we struggle upon this jewel of a perfect planet. To believe that we are just an accident and nothing else is anywhere in the Universe is simpleton at is baseness…

We are but a microscopic speck of dust. Use this video above to knock you back to reality whenever you feel too godlike and all that as we live in a very large swirling mass of eternity….and use this video to gather the reality when you think you are all that!

I am so glad to have been born on this planet and to experience what a perfect world is…


You want to really learn more?

This video will help…