Woke this morning and it was a blizzard. Boza and I took a walk and found ourselves deep in snow. Boza when standing had snow half way up his body and drifts swallowed him whole. I had on my medium boots and if it goes much longer, those boots will not do the job. I will then progress to the tall boots…
We have plenty of food and water, so that is not an issue and wood is still in abundance. The issue I am worrying about is that Sveta wants to come for my birthday and if this snow keeps up, I doubt I will be able to drive to get her. I will start the Volga today and try to move it to higher ground, but unless the snow stops, nothing will help, but a 4X4 and that, Sammy the Volga is not!
Still five days for Sveta to come and a bunch happens between now and then. Got to make a decision about her coming, but it is getting deep out there…
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- I live there!
- I like this home!
- The Valley!
- Our Road!
- Burned home and bell tower
- The bell tower
I was finally able to take some pictures with the bigger camera, it still froze a couple of times, so I had to keep it close to my body as I walked. That makes it difficult to take quick images, but I do not want to destroy the camera. Today is only going to be -2, sounds good huh? But tomorrow it will be something like -19 during the day. I call that roller coaster weather. -2 brought tons of snow with it and I prefer super cold than snow…
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I have to say something; Sveta bought me two kilos of dehydrated banana chips for the village. I waited until I was out of fresh bananas and now that I am snowed in, I am eating the banana chips. I need potassium because of my medicine that I take daily. It leeches it out constantly and I exercise a lot. Sveta also brought me two jars of peanut butter. Now this morning, I dip a banana chip into the peanut butter and wallah, I have a perfect winter pick me up and or meal! Full of everything good for me…
I take potassium pills, but they do not work the same as natural potassium…
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I received an e-mail and the guy gave me some prices that he was paying in America. The perfect example of price difference and this seems to hold solid across everything he told me about is a single egg. He is paying 18 cents an egg…
It is easy to compare, for in Russia they sell eggs most of the time; per each! The most expensive egg I saw the other day was Magnet store and it was 3.9 rubles per egg. That is 5 cents each for you Americans. And that price is way too high. I complain constantly about the egg price in Russia and I do not buy eggs…
Why are you paying that much?
Yes we have inflation in Russia, but seriously, it is nothing like the inflation in America and you can hide it all you want, but in the 10 years that I have been in Russia. The food costs in America are up 50% + in many cases. That is true inflation, not gas price, not TV prices, not alcohol prices, but the price of food is where it counts and where it hurts the most, in the year around picture of life…
Yes illegal sanctions by the west hurt, but things look a whole lot better on this side than your side does. Seems dumb to hang yourself just to try to destroy a country like Russia…
I will give you a hint; stop buying the crap and eat less. Once they see that you will not pay for the exorbitantly ridiculous price, the price will drop. Russians walk away from high price and walk kilometers if need be, to get a better price. Last year the egg producers tried to gouge the people for Easter egg prices. I noticed that the tune changed quick, when no one bought the eggs. The big store had a huge stock pile of left over eggs and the price dropped to sell them. People have to give a little to get a little and if you always take the abuse, you will always be abused…
Try walking a little farther and buy from someone who gives you the price that is fair for the prevailing market…
Kyle and Boza at the Tiny Russian Village…
Windows to Russia (WtR)