After this election in America of 2016, I find that it is an appropriate word to fit what I witnessed and am witnessing with our youth in America…
Lets not upset the Snowflakes and make sure they have a safe space to get to… ~Sarc~
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Windows to Russia got attacked cyberbully style and it was special interests groups, with the help of USA governmental servers. I lost my comment section, due to the attack and had to remove it simply to stop the exhaustive games being played… (Now I have to find a new system, WtR is banned from the other one!)
It seems that I wrote an (actually several of them) article(s) that upset millions of snowflakes and or minorities in the great land of OZ! I mean America…. Below is two of the offending articles… ↧
For me it is over; I voted…. Now wait!
USA Desperation can be smelled from Russia…
America has become the terrorist of the world and that is Terrorist with a capital T! This is on all fronts and in all ways… Sad really…
I always know when I hit the truth, or damn near the truth. The attacks start. LOL…
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The Russians are happy! Trump won and now for the first time in awhile, Russians feel that there is a chance for some real change. I hope they are correct and if happiness and partying over Trump as president in America is enough! The Russians will get it done…
Sveta sent me this image. She has gotten many of them as gifts on the Russian Facebook called контакте!
Look familiar? Party time in Russia! No WW3, we hope…
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I was going to talk about the elections (well not much at least,) because I realized that I WtR has been attacked enough by the hate crowd. I think the best of the worst won and we will now watch to see what develops. I sense the pot boiling and if someone adds some salt to the pot, it will boil faster…
The truth is; America is a very divided country. Not multiply divided, but right down the middle. It is as simple as right & wrong, black & white and evil & good!
Or is it?
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The biggest banks in Russia spent yesterday under attack. Cyber Bullies again. According to Russian computer security company Kaspersky Lab, more than a half of the botnet devices were situated in the US, India, Taiwan and Israel, while the attack came from 30 countries. Each wave of attack lasted for at least one hour, while the longest one went on for 12 hours straight. The power of the attacks peaked at 660 thousands of requests per second. Some of the banks were attacked repeatedly.
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Oh and yes I picked the winning person this time. Not sure that is a good thing or not, but for my first time in many many elections. I picked the one who won!
I always vote independent’ you know Ross Perot, George Wallace and George Washington! (Kidding, just seeing if you are awake? I am not that old!)
I decided that I wanted to win and dance and once again, Boza and I are dancing the Election Dance…
- Bear
- Doggy
Have a nice day…