So Moldova blames gas prices on Russia. Whats new?

🇲🇩 “This is not a government problem.”

The Moldovan president blames Gazprom for gas prices. And the government is not to blame.

The government is not to blame for the failure of the audit on the historical debt of Moldova.

The government is not to blame for late payments.

The government is not to blame that the President and Prime Minister of Moldova refused to participate in negotiations with the Russian Federation on gas.

The government is not to blame for signing a contract with Gazprom.

▪️Bonus. Sandu is not to blame for participating in the anti-Russian “Crimean Platform” in Kiev.

The purchase price for Moldova increased in April to $1,193 per thousand cubic meters.

And it could have been no higher than $250 if Moldova had extended the contract on the terms of 2019.

Gazprom and the thirst for profit are to blame. Yes, yes.


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.