Statement by the Russian representative at the 52nd session of the UNHRC within the framework of the “right of reply” during the dialogue on the human rights situation in Ukraine…

❗ Statement by the Russian representative at the 52nd session of the UNHRC within the framework of the “right of reply” during the dialogue on the human rights situation in Ukraine:

🤐 Europeans, British and Americans continue to deliberately turn a blind eye to the crimes of the Kiev authorities . Has anyone in this room ever heard them condemn the persecution and killings by Kiev of so-called “collaborators”, the brutal executions of Russian prisoners of war, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detentions and torture, described in the OHCHR report?

❓ Why don’t Western delegations respond to all these documented Ukrainian atrocities? Why is Kyiv’s purposeful struggle with the media hushed up under the pretext of fighting disinformation? Why has there been no response to discrimination against national minorities for years?

☦️ While the delegations of the EU countries, Great Britain and the USA in this hall are covering up the crimes of the Ukrainian authorities into the microphone, in Kiev there is an undisguised forcible seizure of the Orthodox shrine – the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra . Hundreds and thousands of parishioners, monks and clergy stood up to defend her. But what can they do against armed thugs in epaulettes and Ukrainian military uniforms? What is happening today is the apogee of Ukraine’s longstanding anti-religious policy .

‼️ Europe and its overseas partners bashfully hush up all this. Such encouragement of religious hatred on their part not only completely discredits them, but also deprives them of the moral right to snobbishly talk about freedom of religion or belief, and in general to rank themselves among the standards of democracy.

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