Surface Warships are obsolete…

With all the US metal tubs floating in the Persian Gulf you would think one of them would spot a swarm of cruise missiles coming from Iran?

Saudi Arabia better rethink its defense partner…

Seriously folks: If our ships cannot detect these missiles? How are the ships going to detect these missiles when they come for our ships? You cannot fight what you do not see…

What the Saudi report basically says is that “the weaponry could’ve been supplied, and probably was, by Iran in exactly the same way that [the UK] and others have supplied arms to Saudi Arabia, which had been used in this four-year war against Yemen,” Matthew Gordon-Banks, former British MP and senior research fellow at the UK Defense Academy, told RT.

Source: Riyadh gave NO PROOF Tehran launched oil-plant attack – but still ‘expects US to do its dirty work for them’ — RT World News

By that standard: All the weapons that the US supplies to half the world. Means we are complacent in war crimes and should be condemned also!

Better yet: The US better rethink what will happen if they have all their warships sunk in the Persian Gulf…

We (US ships) never saw these missiles? We won’t see them when they come for us…


PS: Yes I know cruise missiles fly below radar! Then we better get better radar or quit messing with the locals around the world…