- Sunrise to Freedom
- Our Road
- Boza in the field
- Trees marked for removal
- Everywhere…
- More…
So glad Svetochka is here and as usual it takes Boza and I time to adjust to having a new person in our life. Boza and I are so ridged inn our pattern, that it is actually rough on us at first. But do not get me wrong, we want our Svetochka here with us. It is just that Boza and I need that repetition to not forget where we are (as in a blind doggy.) Then for me to take my pills and keep my vitals all in line. But! We have adjusted, only Windows to Russia suffered for a few days…. No posting and for that I am sorry…
Svetochka is a good girl and I see now that in a few years when she retires, we will spend the rest our our lives right here in the Tiny Russian Village. Plans are being made and the truth is, a few years is nothing. I have been around this Evil Russian Country for almost eleven years now. Oh! How! I! Have! Suffered! 😉
Since Svetochka has been walking the doggy, she also takes bunches of pictures…… Below…
- At train station?
- Interesting items…
- Sveta on the train…
- Sveta starts village pictures…
- Svetochka walking Boza
- and walking
- and walking
- Ralph the Raven came to say hi!
- The bridge is still there…
- Our roads
- The baby birds saying goodnight…
- Good night!
* * * * *
In the top images are trees marked for removal. The forestry department has been diligently working all winter, marking trees. Boza and I have not wandered into the forest all winter. But yesterday, we did. While our sweetie pie slept, Boza and I went to the forest at sunup and looked at what these guys on skies have been doing. We found out and after looking over the forest for an hour or so, they have been busy. Thousands of trees have been marked for removal. They are going to thin the forest this summer. It is a cash crop you know and the weakest and worthless for cash trees have to go. To allow the best to get telephone pole size….
Of course my mind is at work and the idea of sneaking 50 to 60 fence posts is working at the back of my mind. I need that many to do our whole yard with a new fence and therefore, I am a Planning Bear, looking to save money…
* * * * *
Spring is here…
I am so excited, Boza is dancing and Svetochka wonders if we are nuts at times, but then she gets into the mood of things and dances also…
- Doggy
- Bear
- Svetochka
That is what is going on in the Tiny Russian Village…