- Coot and babies
- Coots
- Woodpecker
- Baby Hoopoe’s, look closely at the power line at building…
Svetochka came back this weekend to see if her guys were in trouble and or up to no good! We definitely are up to no good, but do not tell Svetochka that! 😉
Boza and I got up at 4:30 a.m. and did his eye drops and then walked to allow Boza to do doggy business. I started a pot of coffee and when I got back from walking, I sat down at the computer, with a cup of coffee and am writing this post. Boza ate a bowl of food, Svetochka is snoozing away and all is perfect in the Tiny Russian Village. It is nice to have Svetochka here with us…
Saturday we will go into the Big Village and look at the car. We should have an idea about the time frame to get it done at that point. It looks like next week sometime it will be ready to take home and that means next weekend we will leave TRV to go back to Moscow…
Sveta will get pictures of what they have done on the car…
* * * * *
Vova and I went to town last night and picked Sveta up at the train station. That way we could pick up food and stuff for the weekend. Vova was in a good mood and was looking forward to three shots of vodka and going to bed. He says he will sleep like a baby tonight! 😉
We filled his fuel tank and I got him a bottle of his favorite vodka to sip on in his leisure. This helps him a bunch financially (pensioner) and he talked and talked and talked…. He has a wild idea to stay with a gal he met for the winter…. Hmm…. Not sure who would put up with him that long. But we must dream? Right?
* * * * *
Therefore, I have started some chicken cooking, taken care of Boza, letting Svetochka sleep till noon and will be thankful that my sweety got here safe & sound…. I also have found the urge to write again, I had a dry spell on my short stories and novels, but now new ideas and imaginations have crept back and are flowering like a dandelion, ready to be blown into the wind…
Have a nice day…