That freaking by NATO as we watch…

Russia has settled upon a system of controlled destruction of the enemy at a rate of 600,000 soldiers per year (Give or take a few thousand). This is in conjunction with a systematically designed approach to miminize Russian losses…

This approach can be adjusted easily to increase body count and or decrease body count of the enemy. All the while keeping status of their losses at a stable substainable rate…

This stratagy is based upon Russian industrial growth, steadily increasing the production of ammunition, bombs and new equipment weapons and in opposite fashion, the systematic destruction of the Ukrainian industry and infrastructure…

This Ukrainian destruction has nothing to do with Ukraine. Ukraine is the failed tool that the west pumped a trillion dollars into, to destroy Russia. Ukraine is NATO’S graveyard and NATO is freaking out…

This freaking by NATO, whom are the Western Coalition which is collapsing in realtime as we watch, is our nemesis right now. It is this freaking dying empire that will push us all to the brink of death. For never does anyone and or anything in power, ever give up that power repectfully. – kKEETON