That tiny Intel WiFi chip and just tell me why they do not last?

There is that nasty critter

Intel 8265ngw a chip that allows your laptop to have WiFi internally and usually a separate chip replaceable (and you will replace it), but they even build this disaster of a chip into a motherboard. Talk about sadistic…

I can buy brand new 8265 chips all day long for under 400 rubles or about $4.50. They are in everything from WiFi adapters, conversion for desktops and made to order for what seems like a billion laptops around the world. The one thing that I see and I know and I am experiencing right now is that these chips go out. They quit working very easily, cannot handle any heat buildup and if you use them, have a couple on hand to replace as you travel…

Shade-tree laptop repair can make and do make a living replacing these chips in laptops. That is interesting and I ask why are these chips so terrible? I believe that if I looked around i could find these chips for free and they might pay me to take them away… 🙂

Intel is not shy about hiding the failure and steering you instead to their new chips AX200 and or AX210 and these chips cost way more than 8265. Which I see issues with the new chips coming to the forefront already. That makes me unsure if to even attempt to replace these Intel Chips?

MW300UH – is what we use as replacement

Everyone’s mileage will vary but, I get about 1 year out of a replacement Intel chip, no matter what model I use and if soldered into the board, Oh Well!

As a side thought, Our YOGA laptop does have a WiFi chip that has never gone out (knock on wood). I better see what that chip is? (I looked – Intel 3165NGW) Hmm, maybe I can go backwards?

The more I dive into Intel? The more nasty I find…

So we use external WiFi and never have issues anymore…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.