It is like a roller coaster, we go from 3 hours of darkness to 8 hours in just a few weeks. The tilt of the earth does that and for us summer is done. There will still be a few days of warmer weather, but with the night galloping upon us at a furious pace; cold will settle soon and its icy grip is already starting to enter into the nights…
Last night I had to actually use a blanket and I saw that the temperature reach down to 10 degrees Celsius above zero. I also see that we have a few days of about 30 plus coming, though in Russia, they joke about how the weather man is the only person who can keep his job and be wrong all the time… 🙂
I am going to talk to Sveta about me getting a weather station to install at the village home. They are not that expensive from China and I know that they work good, I have used them before. Accuracy is not perfect, but for basics they work very good. I want to be able to keep tabs on the weather fluctuations, even if the internet stops working…
Sveta surprised me yesterday; she called me and told me that, “I need to pick red or black!”
“Red or black what?”, I asked..
Then she said that she is buying a camera for me. A compact Olympus with 24X optical zoom. It is small enough to fit in my pocket and it cost less than $80 American money, or 5000 rubles. She bought the camera I wanted for almost three times less (12900 rubles) than what I can buy it for in the Big Village. Cameras are expensive down here; that proves my point…
I answered, “Black please!”
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The above news also means something else for me! It means Sveta is coming to see me soon! Yippy and yippy yea. I miss my girl…
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- The pond is fish and more fish…
- Boza and hunting his duck friend…
- We use to have running water everywhere…
- I make walking sticks and canes…
- Thinking about selling them?
- Finished window of Russia… 🙂
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Time to go! I am going to the Big Village and see what is up!
Have a nice day…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…