The efficiency of that Covid-19 mask?

At least the monkey has it right!

I watch people and I have said that before. Nothing new from me? I watch people and now I watch people wear masks, those anti-covid-19 masks they wear…

I have come to the conclusion that masks worn under the nose, under the chin and even backwards around the neck, must be much more effective than a mask over the chin, over the mouth and over the nose at the same time?

I joke:

Mask around/covering nose only? – 110% efficient!

Mask around/covering neck only? – 105% efficient!

Mask around/covering chin only? – 100% efficient!

Mask around/covering chin and mouth? – 90% efficient!

But it is obvious by the standards that humans wear masks that…

A Mask around/covering chin, nose and mouth? – 0% efficient!

In Russia I live in a world of mask wearers, yet many and I assume on purpose, wear the mask incorrectly….or maybe Sveta & I wear the mask incorrectly?

Maybe we need to wear our mask around our neck, for as the Russians say, if you have gills like a fish you must protect those gills from Covid-19? ~~

They all have that mask! Yet it is 75% of the time hanging like a necklace around their neck. 99% of the time a blue necklace and dirty blue for that matter. I bet they sleep in that mask?



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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.