The USA/West has stagnated and simply can’t keep up anymore…

Falling farther and farther behind, so they just bully. But bullying has a limited lifespan…

While the West bullied: Russia outgunned and China out produced!

They say amongst many things that this is all a communist campaign by China to spread rumors and misinformation within the innocents in the West. It’s why they constantly try and do ban TikTok, Huawei, and Chinese electric cars. They talk trash about how China has stolen all the secretes of the USA and made super electronics and super duper industries. Etc etc etc…

They spout even the communist lines about Russia amongst many things, as they sanction everything and even the Russian Kitchen Sink. They talk trash about how Russia has stolen all the secretes of the USA and made super weapons. Etc etc etc…

~~ Everything has been stolen from the USA and I mean they stole even the hard copies of everything. Not a scrap left and no one can do anything it was stolen so thoroughly. I am sure they even stole all the data and paper work for the old, Apollo Space Program? ~~

Ultimately, the West by it’s actions will become more & more isolated, and the West will continue to fall behind technologically. The West will become irrelevant, as the rest of the world continues to do look to the future. Maybe the West will build that wall, across Europe and the USA but it is to keep Western Plebs inside as it is the only thing left, they don’t want us “all” to escape…

Of course those inside will be told that “they” stole everything and you will have nothing and like it, for “they” stole it, “ALL”!


Apollo_11_TV_Tapes_Report – PDF Download from NASA

About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.