- Age/grade started…
- Field of study breakdown…
В Королеве в 2018 году стартовал приоритетный проект Московской области «Путевка в жизнь». Благодаря ему ученики 8–9 классов могут получить рабочую профессию и выйти из стен школы не только с аттестатом, но и с сертификатом. Корреспондент «РИАМО в Королеве» выяснил, как работает проект, чему учатся школьники и есть ли первые успехи.
In 2018, Korolev launched a priority project for the Moscow Region “Start in life”. Thanks to him, students in grades 8–9 can get a working profession and leave the school not only with a certificate, but also with a certificate. The correspondent of “RIAMO in Korolev” found out how the project works, what students learn and whether there are first successes.
A now young man who Sveta and I both helped to learn English, entered this program. He was not considered to be PHD material, yet he has fantastic potential in many aspects. It is interesting to see his brother, who is aggressive type A compared to him as passive type B…
But while the future of the younger bother is still at large, the young man we helped in English is just about ready to graduate as a “Prosthetist” and will do very well in life because of such programs, administrators and teachers that help to guide students to a future…
This is not college level, this is instead of standard basic high school classes, the student is allowed to pick a career with everyone’s help and come out of high school with a needed job….understand that he is coming out of high school not a university after another five to ten years, but, high school…
Tidbit: Russians if they are suited will have all opportunity to get as high of a degree in a university as they can obtain, but can walk that path, because everyone is different, mentally and physically. The Russians understand this and thus try to help people become what they are able to become without difficulties in life later…
I would say that this young man is suited very well for such work. The support team that helped him hit the “nail on the head” with his personality and his abilities. He like many introverts, is able to sit and concentrate on certain aspects of interest and do a job that some, like me, are not able to perform. He has always had very weak physical abilities, sickness has been a big part of his life…
It takes all types to make the world go around and it also takes people in their professions and the families, to be able to steer the youth to a better future…
Svetochka and I are proud of him and we are proud of a system that helps people to have a better life…