Those in the West? It is time to rise up and do more than hold a poster against the elite…

The Western masses have been played like a fiddle so long and told since birth as well as daily a hundred times a day, that they live in homes of the brave, land of the free and liberty for all, that they never noticed how every single freedom and their rights were being canceled, one slice of the big freedom cake at a time.

In Europe, they still actually continue to protest, but it is about nonsense things and never about serious issues and it seems it is just to loot and burn cars for more than anything else….

Everything more or less significant related to us plebs, is decided long ago without the participation of the plebs population, and even more often without actual governments of the country. People sit in behind closed door meetings and implement their wishes…

Yes, and that needs to change and many other things too. The west is in a state of decadence. I fear there must be a big collapse first for the people to wake up and bring back some life into the western societies. Away with all the woke shit, away with the political class, away with the mainstream media. But that would require something more than just an election, this requires action from the people.

A vivid example of this ignoring the plebs is the complete disregard for huge mass demonstrations against the LGBT agenda all around Europe. All the necessary laws to put LGBT on a pedestal were adopted against the peoples wishes, despite the millions and millions of protests of the normal people. Laws that went against the wishes of the majority have been implemented and this applies to everything that you do in the western world. You get no say in just about anything that the elite want to do…

Culture and family is and has been taken away from the Europeans, and now they are going to destroy all the material well-being, and bring down individual economies of each country by breaking the logistics of energy supplies, food supplies and other systems that created the world that the Europeans have enjoyed. These Europeans still have no idea that they are being played and if they think for themselves, no one cares who matters…

Ditto: upon all the above for the USA. For the most part, the USA is only a year behind the destruction of the EU and everything you think and desire has been systematically destroyed over the years. This is what has happened to what they call the Collective West…

So maybe it’s time to take your life into your own hands, and not to hover in the illusions of democratic freedoms?

The new world order is indifferent to your millions standing in the squares and appealing to their bureaucratic authorities. You are all potential or actual criminals who should be disposed of if you continue to misbehave.

It’s time to remember how revolutions are made and the authorities are overthrown. It is time to remember that it is “we the people”, not “thou elites”, are who rule and who counts in our countries…

No not in elections and not with posters and not with vagina hats. But with actions not words. Yes, it is time to remember that “We are the power here.” The elite is and are the nobody’s within our systems…

Except we have now allowed the few so much leeway that you and I will have to try very hard to become at least someone heard, once again in this upside down and twisted world that we have allowed to flourish as we ignored the demons at work…

The Globalist Cult is destroying the West…

Russia should just wait and see…