I woke at 4 a.m. and Boza and I walked in the -10 degree cold. Blood sugar was 5.2 mmol/l, blood pressure was at 106/65 and heart rate was 65 bpm. All was good and calm. Boza and I walked over an hour in -10 degrees weather. It was actually a blessing and -10 is called the Bahamas by me in a joking way…
I did some thinking as I walked. Sometimes that is not easy, for I have to keep an eye just on Boza as we walk. He does not see well at all and can get in trouble fast. But I let him get as close to trouble as he can and then save him. It is good for him and too much coddling will not allow his other senses to develop…
Then as we came home and I looked at what is happening in America, I realized how lucky I am…
I also realized many other thoughts at the same time; I thought about how it is time for asylum to Russia. I realized that I will never go home again to America, even if it is a body bag. I realized that my past will always haunt me, but it can no longer hurt me. I realized for the last ten years in Russia, I have been free and that is a freedom that I (or you do not have or) never had in America for a very long time…
I am of the old ways and those old ways are almost gone in America…
That is good or bad according to how you perceive life as it unfolds in front of your eyes..
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I’ve learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path. Transforming fear into freedom – how great is that? — Soledad O’Brien
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I believe that the US has stepped past the point of no return. With a twenty trillion “admitted” debt, with wars on many fronts, with chaos ruling the government, with half or more of the populace only able to see the nose on their own faces and fear as your companion daily. You are now watching the sunset of what was once a beautiful Empire, and empire that had potential to be what all other empires never could become. Therefore, as the saying goes, “History just repeats itself!”
We watch another empire die, through its own greed, faults and desires…
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The steps I take each morning are steps of a baby. A newborn learning to walk, to talk and to see the world as it is. We must wake to that process daily, for if we do not! We never learn to see life for what it is. Life is ever changing and it flows around us. Life does not repeat itself. Life changes to become stronger as it ebbs. Life is ever lasting as is energy, unable to be destroyed. What happens is that we pull the comforter tighter around us and hope the boogeyman stays under the bed…. All the while we should crawl under the bed to confront that which assails us… – Kyle Keeton
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- We need to be as brave as this Teddy Bear…
We need to be as brave as this Teddy Bear…
And one day I will be that brave!