Yesterday, was thunderstorms all day and the internet seemed incapable of working. I finally gave up and did other things. The internet was spotty last night and still is. We also did not have power for about twelve hours and it looks as if some transformers where hit by lightning…
This morning I have at least some internet and the power is working again. But the coffee is always good and milk to put in it is cheap. That is life in the Tiny Russian Village…
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Going to take a trip to the Big Village and resupply. The neighbors are going again and it looks to be as always an interesting trip. Rain, lightning and thunder are the prospects for the day. At least I did not have to water the garden last night… 🙂
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I don’t think people are that divided or that dumb really I think people chose their lot in life. There are a lot of people that look and act dumb, but honestly in their soul I think they know and have sold out. It seems that other people see the issues too, they have just decided to play for the winning team in their eyes…
Human nature being what it is if you’ve sold out, you’ll probably avoid ever actually mentioning this to yourself again. You’ll rationalize it and think you’re spiffy, but there was a choice out there and you made it. You need to live with it. We dance to the tune of what is cool, not what is right. Vote in a woman, because it is so cool. Vote a black man in, because it is so correct politically. Vote wrong even if it means we suffer…
The strangest thing that happens is that people voted for Obama and then lied about who they voted for. The same will happen with Hillary and or Trump. They vote under social and political pressure, then say the opposite of what they did. They know they are voting incorrectly, but they have to be accepted and then when the person shows the true colors, whom they voted for, all you hear is, “I did not vote for them!”
Yes, we know, you vote party line and nothing but party line, come hell or high water….So much easier to mark that ballot…
So we’re not divided at all in terms of knowing what’s up, but there are a lot of capitulators out there is all I am saying…
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Oh really?
The US says it may reconsider its affiliation and support for the Syrian opposition if reports of anti-Assad rebels beheading a Palestinian boy are confirmed. The State Department has vowed “consequences” if the gruesome videos of the death are true.
“If we [the United States] can prove indeed what happened and this group [al-Zenki] was involved in it… it would give us pause about any assistance or frankly any further involvement,” Deputy Spokesperson for the State Department, Mark Toner, told reporters at a daily briefing Tuesday.
I guess the other hundred beheadings were not important and needed reconsidering way back then?
When reality crashes the party.
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China’s Central Military Commission Vice-Chairman is calling out, “Fan Changlong stressed the need to deeply understand the complexity of the grim situation facing the security of China, stepping up preparations for a military struggle of the work to ensure that the order, to be able to win the war.”
And here is the full article as it appeared on the Chinese Ministry of National Defense…
Biggest difference between the east and west in mentality?
China, like Russia does not bluff and China like Russia is getting prepared daily now for WW3. They know it is coming and I live amongst people who admit that war with the west is inevitable. It is now accepted and Russians have continued on with life. They know that before long, unless the Western Empire stops the crap, war will happen. I see stockpiling at a huge rate in Russia and war equipment is being produced 24/7….Just like in China…
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- Hawk convention
- Ralph the Raven
- Rose is blooming
- Sunset last night
Just some pictures…
The rose is close to fully opening and Ralph the Raven is now a regular walking partner…
Just a normal Tiny Russian Village…