- Back of new home…
- Wildflowers…
- Just love walking and looking at the flowers…
- Flowers…
- Vova raises Doves as he calls them…I call them pidgins…
- Laundry day
Been very busy, too busy and Svetochka got after me and told me to slow down. Hard to do when you have such a limited lifespan and have to get things done…
So I walked this morning and waited to start working. I decided one way is to write a post, just some images and to tell you the status of things…
Svetochka comes tomorrow…Yippy and so wonderful…
People in the village got testy with each other a few days ago. It has been hot and they started to get grouchy. See I am not the only one to be grouchy…
I fixed the clothes line (pole rotted off and I made it a third longer) and started to hang out clothes again. So wonderful to line dry things…
Otherwise, I have been repairing fence, ignoring the mad at each other neighbors, dodging horseflies & mosquitoes, repairing the new and old home, sipping coffee and wishing my sweetpea was here…
Sweet Pea, My Sweet Pea…