US sanctions allies because of bad Russia ~, Oops…

The U.S. Senate has approved a defense bill that will see sanctions imposed on companies working on Russia’s massive flagship gas pipeline project to Germany.

Grab the popcorn and get ready…

I knew the sanctions would expand to the E.U. next, it was just a matter of time. I have talked many times about that Europe has to go east or die under the Western Empire. I think the core trouble here is if the truth be told, is that underneath all this is the gigantic run away debt…

EU is the USA target with all these sanctions and tax reforms…

The U.S. government is monetizing its own debt. There’s not enough tax money coming in to fund all the levels of governments. City, County, State, Federal, it doesn’t matter, they’re hard up for cash. Taxes do not even cover half of spent money, in 90% of the situations…

You combine that with a pension crisis, expanding decay concerning the social drug and homelessness crisis, but let’s now add in trillions in BBB credit which right now is just above junk status and you’ve got yourself a big problem. If you want to go around the world using the military to enforce your dollar hegemony, you are going to create both enemies and competition. Once you lose the confidence in the Dollar, you’re toast…

One of the most shameful parts of all this however is how the Government treats Veterans after they’re done serving and fighting all these illegal wars…

The Washington D.C. politicians are simply Scum…

Regardless, the US is officially sanctioning allies and that means we have nowhere to go but down the rabbit hole…