War ain’t what it use to be: These days, massive builds are suicidal…

Since peer armies now have unbelievable tools at their disposal called, “Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) platforms” along with AI-assisted planning and GPS style-guided missiles and bombs, old rationale has become outdated…

These days, massive buildups are suicidal…

However, a significant buildup is unavoidable during the offensive. Attacking forces are therefore the most exposed…

The enemy needs to be drawn into a cauldron or fire bag in order to be effectively annihilated. It is now harder to trick Ukrainians than it was in the past few years since they had to learn that lesson the hard way. The bait ought to be succulent and alluring…

Day by day, before the Kursk attack, Ukraine combed the area for potential traps with a small forces. Then when they really thought no one was watching, attacked Kursk. Whether they used all of the troops at their disposal is still unknown. However, they ingested the hook, line, sinker, and bait and have been killed at a 40 to 1 rate as they poured stupidly into a trap…

Trap was weak at first: The only thing is that it seems someone in Kursk may be a traitor and again did not due the job assigned to him, he chose to skim profits off of defense at the expense of defense??? and – Kursk nuclear power plant looks to be a choice target for Ukraine to desire for Blackmail…

Regardless: Ukraine was weak before they established the northern front. This means that the already weakened Eastern Front has become even weaker. A public relations campaign to secure another round of funding from the West?

My prediction is that the number of Russians enrolling up for military service will skyrocket in August…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.