We are starting to see the Empire Chaos Effect…

For geopolitical considerations, the United States’ downward trend is irreversible. China, Iran, North Korea and Russia are getting ready for the military outbursts of the collapsing empire’s opposition to the emerging multipolar world. Whether in formal or unofficial leadership, the empire will kill us all and or try for its existence. The United States of America will not relinquish its tight grip on the world so lightly, so be prepared for potentially disastrous chaos. There won’t be any world peace for many years; instead, there will be more wars and other acts of violence and denial of any weakness that is akin to an emperor with no clothes. – kKEETON…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.