We stole, we sold and we have no qualms about our actions…

The only truth about the oil tankers that the USA illegally confiscated back in August 2020 is that “We” (USA) admit that “We” took the tankers against the wishes of others, “We” (USA) now proclaim that “We” sold it and “We” (USA) do not seem to care that facts, legality and morality are completely lacking in the US actions

Everything else about this situation is rubbish…

The United States said Thursday that it had sold Iranian oil seized on its way to Venezuela for more than $40 million. Washington announced in August that it had confiscated 1.1 million barrels of petroleum from four tankers en route between the two countries, which are both under US sanctions. “We estimate that in excess of $40 million will be recouped by the United States related to the sale of petroleum from those four vessels,” Michael Sherwin, the acting US attorney for the District of Columbia, told reporters by telephone.

Source: US sells oil seized from Iran to Venezuela for $40 million – France 24

Tidbit: Always look at the wording of what is said: “recouped” means – to have regained (something lost or expended)….It has been stated as if the USA lost the tankers and oil in the first place. Like it was stolen from us and we finally got it back…

The USA: Greatest Pirates of the High Seas…

Again we have reached that #1 spot…