Western Empire of Lies embracing the abyss and you will love it too…

The western Empire is severing the world! I have known this for a long time and have written extensively about this action by the west. I am not able to see it from their point of view, yet I am able to see it as they want it all to happen…

A technique that I developed years ago training managers. You have to be a thief to think like a thief. Even if you dislike what the idea is? You must be able to put yourself into their shoes, no matter how distasteful that is and think like them. Otherwise, there is no way to catch them…

Therefore, you have no choice but to look at things as the Western Empire of Lies looks at things and then deduce information to understand from that viewpoint. It is not easy and the truth is, once you obtain such a way at looking at life? Then you start to garner what is going on…

Therefore, the important part of this illogical situation is to understand as this severing continues, is that there will be two parts to the world. It can be called east vs west, but that is too simplified. It is two different and two distinct different economies. A resource economy which includes the people whom live in it and an economy that is chasing the “Build Back Better”, “Green New Deal”, “Human Populace Manipulate Mechanisms” underneath the ruse of a small power cartel, who knows better what is good for you and you will like it or not…

The west no longer believes that you need to have a say in what they do as governments and you are just a tool to use, until that tool is worthless. The issue is that there is not enough room in the top positions to accommodate more than 10% of the western populace. The rest as Hollywood always positions this subject is like the movie Elysium (2013) and the world is The run by the “cartel” whom live above us serfs, and they call it Elysium, and the serfs live like scum and rats beneath them as they circle the planet earth enjoying life at the serfs expense…

It is interesting that from books like 1984 by Orwell and movies from Hollywood that we are watching all this information being used against us right now. We really do have a small part of the west trying to control it all, and they want the whole planet preferably and definitely will settle upon just the western section for now. These elites, only need enough serfs to keep their lifestyle obtainable…

These elites know that you will die, and they know that you will riot, yet all that rioting will do is kill more of us serfs and that my friend is the idea. The elites know that they can survive upon renewable energy and live like kings and queens. They also know that there will always be enough fodder to dig those resources for them to have all they desire. The ones that we have allowed to control the west have no empathy towards us serfs…

I am reminded by my past about the famous movie “Cabaret” set in Berlin, Germany right before the Nazis went and lost all sense of right and wrong. It was an atmosphere of partying and enjoying life like nothing was actually happening, but it did happen, while they partied. Nobody actually wants to talk about the oppression in the west that is happening, they want to believe it is all hunky dory, but there is an unspoken fear of what is happening and thus the dancing and singing to cover it all up. It is human nature…

The Western part will fail on so many levels. They are designed to fail. Only that the ones driving it are the ones whom need the resources and not “Mary Jane and John Smith”. The abyss is only for serfs and not elites…

While the technology is not yet available and the global need for their green world not required, the tech is good enough for a handful of special people to live the dream. Yet I believe they already know that. If so, then power, manipulation of serfs and dollars (as we all suspect) are the actual drivers of their desires. That is how the devil would entice the elites to destroy themselves. Just look at Finland and understand how illogical for them to Join NATO is. It makes no sense unless you put yourself into the mindset of the elites of the Western Empire of Lies. Then it becomes very clear and interesting as to their mentality and how they look at us other humans…

Do you feel that wind power, solar power can keep your lifestyle as it is? Yet, it can keep the select few in their lifestyle. Just like they tell people in the EU, “Wear an extra sweater! Stop long showers! Turn the heat down! Do it to get Putin! And lots of other stupid sayings!”

Soon, they can and will finally close the western borders, yet only after the borders are set and Russia is right now setting those borders against the wishes of the Western Empire of Lies. The Baltic States are just a work of border setting right now. Ukraine is the big border state that Russia would and will not lose. The west would have loved to had Russia in its borders as a gas station for resources, but Russia jumped the gun and exposed the planes too soon. They the west has planned a B and that is what is happening right now…

They will close the borders and do this to keep their serfs to do their bidding…

This article is an article that I have been thinking about for a while. It is not an article that I enjoyed. I have family in the west, and they cannot and could not fathom what is and has happened. Many friends in the west, even if they see what is happening have no ability to respond to what is happening. We have historical accounts by the hundreds about this very subject, and we as humans as always, ignore until it is too late to do anything about it. Then when we see it for what it is? We look the other way and whine and cry when they come for us…

Western Empire of Lies embracing the abyss and you will love it too…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.