What I see; Tiny Russian Village…

Took images for several days. I decided to post what I see as I go through the day. Most of what I want to get a picture of eludes me, as George our Birdbrain does. Eagles know when I am without a camera. Fantastic insects know when I am without a camera. It seems to me that everyone knows when I do not have a camera to use and they all come out to entice me and make me wish I had a camera. For it is simple; If I had a camera, everyone and everything runs away… 😉

So I take images of what I can…

I have another post to do about the monastery, but I wanna know! Did I say our pear trees survived? Just thought I would ask, I am still stunned that I was able to get those sticks to grow. But most likely Mother Nature helped more than I did. Thanks Mother Nature…