I walk a lot in Moscow, Russia. It is good for the dog and good for me and my heart…
But I see things that upset me and one of these things is this…
Damn Dirty Drug Needle...
That is a syringe and needle that was laying near a sidewalk that hundreds of people pass by everyday. I find a dozen or more of these everyday. I also destroy a dozen or more of these everyday…
I have a saying: “I don’t care if you decide to kill yourself by your stupidity, but I do care if you kill others by your stupidity!” This came from when I was in the army and what you do can kill us all…
Sounds crude, but it is the truth. Those drugs that you inject in your veins is taking your life on a slow slide to death. But that kid or person, that gets stuck with that needle that you left laying around. Gets to possiblely join you in that slow slide to death if they become infected from your dirty needle…
But – Oh I forgot, You do not care when you are on drugs…
Windows to Russia!
- Drugs – A Big Problem in Russia For The Children… (windowstorussia.com)
- Russians Have Lost It Over Heat Wave… (windowstorussia.com)
- Drug use is fueling AIDS epidemic in Russia (search.japantimes.co.jp)
- Booming Babies in Russia… (windowstorussia.com)