When you only have the next elections as your existence?

Collateral Damage that happens when the only available political co-ownership is only your next election. – Said no one but me…

Humans have a very narrow bandwidth in life available to them mentally as to the extent of a basic mentality, their personal mentality to be exact. They all live within a very controlled margins of existence. Even the most expansive human mentally is only point A to point B…

Even as a human thinks outside the box? That box is still defined from within that box as to the process of thinking outside the box. The parameters are still based upon the known and only what a human can use within that narrow bandwidth * …

A politician within the political systems all over the world are no exception to this rule of thumb. In fact for most politicians these restrictions that are imposed upon them are very much constricted by the fact that they are very real and living marionettes. A marionette only does what it is manipulated to do and reality means nothing to these zombie acting humans…

Especially this is all true within the western system and the western endorsed leaders around the world, these politicians are only politicians because they are such willing marionettes, whom desire to be lead to the slaughter of the lambs…

Now I bring up what I said above to make a certain point…

When all you have is the election and winning that election? Basically a politician in the west particularly only live to be reelected for they make no decisions for themselves. Thus, politicians time is only to do what you are told to do and win the next election. The easy part of being a politician is blindly following orders and all western politicians are following orders. The only thing they have to focus upon is the next election. That is really the extent of a politician upon our planet. Do what they are told and your bandwidth is limited to your election cycle…

This explains the suicidal actions, words and salaciousness of our politicians. It also explains why they tell tall tales to get elected and never fulfill the tall tales they tell!

* Bandwidth: informal, the ability to deal with work, problems etc. – I’m out of bandwidth (=I can’t deal with any more things.)

It is this narrow bandwidth of existence that causes so much harm to us so called normal humans. (Not excluding the fact that normal so called humans are always exactly like a Bluegill lusting after that wiggly worm on a hook.) That this situation creates the conditions for an easy to manipulate world at large. The whole world is always chasing that wiggly worm…

I grew up with Bluegill as very likely as my first word I spoke. Grandma and Grandpa loved to go to a nearby lake and on their dock, fish for Bluegills. Bluegills were plentiful, so easy to catch and the best eating at night when Grandma fried them up in real bacon fat stored in the huge jar & rolled in cornmeal. Oh my! Heaven on earth is Bluegill by the platter full and corn on the cob soaked in butter…

It is one thing as a child to love that wiggly worm, but when as an adult and that wiggly worm is all you have. Your options are limited and confined. Therefore, being controlled and only having one thing available in life as your passion is detrimental to you and all around you…

This explains the suicidal actions, words and salaciousness of our politicians. It also explains why they tell tall tales to get elected and never fulfill the tall tales they tell!

It also explains why us plebs buy the tall tales time and time again…

So, it seems that we have a bunch of adult children (this is within and outside the political arena), whom love to be marionettes and have no responsibilities applied to them. Other than say, do and act the fool and then chase the next election coming up, be it a year or ten years away. They do nothing but chase that election and say, do whatever to get that election in the bag…

A politician is the ringleader/clown and you are the cheerleaders at the sidelines…

These politicians are not even capable of having a thought on their own. Those that show independent thinking, never make it to the big time anymore. Elections, money, power and whatnot’s are that wiggle worm and the first Bluegill to the worm gets everything. Even the hook swallowed to its greedy gullet many times…

Once that hook is in the gullet? You have no options except to do what you are told. Do what your master wants of you, even if you look so stupid doing it that it is blatant idiocy…

What does this say about us plebs?

It seems that there is no bigger marionette than they who intentionally swallow that wiggly worm and happily swim the direction that the one in charge pulls the line for them to go…

Oh that Wiggly Worm looks so delicious!