- Lake almost gone…
- Fishing the easy way…
- Party in the sky…
Eagles and Hawks, plus a few daring Ravens…
The ravens are cool and they get right in and mix with the big boys and girls. Though it is just the biggest ravens and they can not fly as high as the eagles and hawks, I have watched and today, I caught them all play the circle game. They just fly around and around in a tighter and tighter circle and then explode outwards and start over. The big bird in the last image, That is Momma Eagle and she is huge…
The three biggest birds are momma, papa and one kid. The rest are hawks and ravens. Two of the eagle kids are on the ground fishing and that is the second image. This year, big mama had three kids and they look very healthy to me. Momma did a good job…
Looks like rain again today and it is wet and cold already…
Have a nice day…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…