Why look it is Civil War time in the world…

I woke at 5am and the first thing I see is more reports and videos on West / Kiev Ukraine using white phosphorous on her East Ukraine people. Then I see where in a form of retaliation, a transport plane with at least 30 paratroopers from West Ukraine, has been blown out of the sky and all dead…

Okay; Well I call that civil war and there is nothing else to call it. The more Kiev does to try to stop it the worse it is going to get. East Ukraine does not want to be part of the immoral, corrupt and western controlled West Ukraine. The failed country is now very much a East Ukraine and West Ukraine and the American back West Ukraine is doing nothing but killing the east and now the East Ukraine is starting to fight back…

The East Ukraine has been slowly waking up to the monstrosities that the West Ukraine has been doing to them. Seems to me that Ukraine was never a unified country like Syria is and deserves to be ripped in half, unless they get Ukraine pride going and pull together against the western propaganda and corruption…

You see a big difference between Syria and Ukraine and exactly the same tactics were used on both of them. It failed in Syria as the people are really behind the government, as the government is behind the people and it succeeds in Ukraine because the government is against the people and the people distrust the government…

Me thinks that there is a lesson for the USA to render out of these messes they are creating…

Therefore, lets see what is happening right now as I write this…

Libya is in a definite civil war, even while the media has done its best to stymie the happenings there. Libya is in the state it is because of western intervention…

Syria is not in a civil war, but the media in the west tries to convince you they are. For a civil war is good people against evil people. Not a country against terrorists created by the west…

Iraq, which has never ceased to be in a civil war, has exploded back on the scene and showed its little face of civil war to the world, a face that never went away and once again was created by the USA…

Afghanistan is a permanent civil war that shows how stupid the U.S. really is; We created the mess in Afghanistan during Soviet times and are so arrogant that we even stepped in and got our ass whipped just like the Soviets did. Except we did not have a proxy war, USA country, trying to support everyone against the Soviets winning. We failed on our own… (Think about that one a few minutes!)

Ukraine is in a civil war and the western media is trying real hard to do the opposite of what they do in Syria, and ignore the truth and create the facts as they see fit to see them. Once again Ukraine is a created situation to allow the west to manipulate the geopolitical situation in the world…

As always in the western world, what you see on media, is not what is happening 95% of the time in the world.

You know what?

America is way past time for a civil war (Like in Ukraine – government, plus government sympathizers against real people (Rebels)) on her shores and just like in the last civil war in America between the North and South, other countries need to run weapons, supplies, food and other nice things to the Rebels” against the government in America and let the best side win…

It is time and if you are in America and stop just long enough to smell the coffee and look around while you smell that coffee, you may find that the American governmnet is gearing up for civil unrest and you are the target, just like I am, if you speak against the powers, who think they are gods…

Hide little bird, hide! For I see you are scared…

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.