Yesterday I was pissed off, today is okay? (American Idiots in TRV)

It really is never boring in TRV…

Talked to Svetochka and got most of it off my mind and then I simply excluded what happened from my mind for the rest of the day, yesterday. The breaking point yesterday came when at 4 to 5 a.m. the Babushka in a neighboring home had to come outside with her shovel and stand her ground to do what she thought to do to protect her home…

At 3 a.m. yesterday I went for a walk, as I do many times, I had heard a bunch of noise from the backside of the Tiny Russian Village and night before this night was no exception. Party Hearty time. And I found whom I did not suspect to find…

I will, since I have calmed down, make it all more compact now…

A dozen American upper age teenagers to mid twenties, with one at least in their late twenties as a chaperone. Had for some reason been left for the weekend at our TRV. They had stayed in what I call the hunters lodge at the far backside of our village. Name of home is due to when Wild Hog season is in, it is always rented out to various hunter groups…

These Americans had a bus to meet on the other side of the bridge at the river in the valley and as they left TRV they decided one last fling at glory of the party. So they gathered below where I live and started smoking Marijuana and two of them camped under a pine and decided to shoot up in their veins something. I know the smell of Marijuana well…

Short version: I walked down and up to the group drug session and as I walked up? The group surprised me, they were speaking perfect American English and were loudly talking about how bad Russia and Russians and Village people and how sick and stupid we are all and well, You know? As they did illegal drugs at the road from our village…

So since they surprised me being Americans? I waited a few more seconds and they still did not know I was within range of getting their throats cut easily. I told them and not as pleasant as this, “Get the Hell out of our Village!” And yes, I said it in my perfect American English…

Chaos ensued at that point, I was in no mood and would have tore them up or died trying, yet they were so drugged up they would have been easy pickings. I sent eight packing down the road and found that these American drug heads were not all gone…

As I got near Nikolai’s home, our home, I found two boys trying to force the door to what I call the yellow house. They were banging on the door of the old home. No one has lived there for years and I can only wonder at what they thought they were doing? Needless to say, after being called a Commie Russian Loving blankety blank. They left upset that I interfered with their actions of destruction…

I was not done…

In about fifteen minutes two more running behind the rest and the last of the twelve I counted in total, were at what I call the brick home and they were playing around in that yard. That is when the dogs started going crazy and the babushka at that point, was woken and came out with her shovel to find out why two more idiots were messing around where they do not belong…

They did not see me and tried to explain in some broken Russian why they were messing around. The babushka was not accepting it and they tried to yank on her gate to open it…

That is when I who was standing behind them and was in striking range again, said, “I told the rest of you and I am telling you two also, Get the Hell out of our village!”

After a few words of love by the two guys and that they realized that they had worn out their welcome, they left and followed the rest across the river…

That is very much the short version…

I, Russians, Russia and whatever, was called every name in the book by these kids. These kids were drugged up, insolent and assholes! What were they doing here and why were they even here at all? Who sponsored these idiots? What is wrong with the American youth? Is this the cream of the crop that we send to visit foreign countries? Is this our American future ambassadors?

I believe that I saw the perfect example of the mental, physical and moral state of America. Here was twelve American youth and they were doing drugs, crude in actions, very self-centered in actions and destructive to the Tiny Russian Village. (The least to say, how they were so destructive to themselves through their actions and doing drugs. Very illegal drugs in Russia!)

Twelve fine upstanding American examples of the state of mind of America!


PS: I did take pictures and will hold these images for future need if necessary. I won’t post them and if any of them recognize themselves in this post? Rest assured I can point them out to authorities…

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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.