It may be very hot for us Russians and or Russified wannabe Russians, but sunflowers love it…
- It’s lunch time… (Notice the water container for all the birdys in the back yard.)
- Getting big, gonna be beautiful when they bloom…
My grandma always said that I had a green thumb and she was right to a point. I believe everyone has a green thumb….it is all in your mind and all in if you care. Love your babies and they will develop… (Time to think about support for thunderstorm winds?)
I have a single Wagtail left from the dozens that were in the yard. It is a male and he has decided to stay put and help me to grow sunflowers. The rest have flown the coop and found other places to investigate. I am followed all over the yard by this Wagtail and he is a happy bird…
He has a water dish and more bugs than he can ever eat in a lifetime…
I also have a single Sparrow that hangs around also….he likes to roll in the water dish when the Wagtail is not looking….I laughed so hard yesterday as I watched the monkey bird literally swim in the dish. He looked like a wet ally cat….Wally was peaking over the edge of the roof and looked at me like, “That guy is nuts!” Thus…
I call them Wally the Wagtail and the Monkey Uncle Bird!