Zakharova weighs in upon the missing person in USA Administration…

Zakharova – about what “the disappearance of the head of the Pentagon” means: A certain amount of time – not hours, not even days, but perhaps no one even knows how much time – the US Secretary of Defense, the person who, it is clear, is the vice -president, but if we talk about the system, then the person who, in general, should insure such a President Biden in all matters of a military-political nature is not in the field of view of the president, the administration, and key figures in the US government . The people froze in horror. Who has been controlling all these days everything connected, for example, with nuclear weapons? So, who within the United States was now in control and in control of the situation, in particular with nuclear weapons, during these ten days? This is the number one question in the United States of America after all this has spilled out. Who? And there is no answer to this question.