Сямянхат Мерета. Часть первая. Все в чум! – Syamyanhat Meret. Part one. Everything in the tent!

It’s impossible! Six hours on the street. Hundreds of gorgeous pictures of deer, reindeer, chumrabotnits, people and animals. Then three hours at the computer. To select the most-most of the hundreds of pictures of deer, reindeer, chumrabotnits, people and animals. And then – a few more hours to put it all in ChUMoteku. How much does it happen? ChUMrabotnitsa believes that it has fulfilled chsetno April 7 – World Health Day, also known as the Annunciation, he Runet day, he’s “Syamyanhat Meret” (fastest) – Competition herders.

So you, dear friends, I do not blame me. It may cut down hundreds of ChUMrabotnitsa still a lot left. Look. To penetrate. Into their heads dangle…  (LINK)

Translate the page and then translate the blog. It is a read worth taking the time for. Read a little and learn a lot about people different than what you know and see…

What a wonderful world we live in to have such variety and spice of life…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

Source: http://www.chumoteka.ru/2012/04/blog-post_07.html


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