Chak Chak and or Чак Чак…
Чак-чак (chak-chak) is a dessert food made from deep-fried dough drenched in a hot honey syrup and formed into, most commonly a hand sized mound. It is unparalleled in popularity all over the former Soviet Union. In Russia, чак-чак is especially popular in the Tatar and Bashkortostan republics, where it is considered a national dish. While the basic recipe is always very similar and there is a million plus ways to make it, how it is made differs from region to region and or person to person. Its simple, soft dough is cut into small pieces that can resemble either short noodles, (such as is common in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), or balls, (as is common among Tatars and Kazakhs)…. But regardless how you make it and who’s recipe you use, you will love it and love it…
- Store Bought…
- Home Made…
2 cups noodles (Look at instructions below! Or use store bought fresh noodles! Or use dried cooked pasta noodles. Just use bigger than a vermicelli or spaghetti pasta noodle…)
1 stick real butter
1/4 cup real honey
1/2 cup sugar
First make non-leaven noodles (For real authentication): 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup water – Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Mix flour, oil, and salt together in a bowl; add water and blend until dough is soft. Form dough into six sheets 1/8 inch thick, then slice into noodles of your desire thickness and lay onto the prepared baking sheet using your hands. Bake in the preheated oven until noodle is cooked, 8 to 10 minutes…. no need to brown…
Then when noodles of some type done and ready, make Chak-Chak:
1. Melt the butter in a medium skillet over medium heat…
2. Toss the noodles in a bit of flour and place in the skillet to cook until a little crispy and golden. About 5 minutes depending on noodle thickness….when done lay on paper to absorb grease and then put in a big bowl…
3. Melt the honey and sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat. Let the mixture bubble until all the sugar dissolves….but do not overheat…
4. Pour mixture over the fried noodles in the big bowl, while mixture is still hot and runny. Toss like a salad to coat noodles evenly…
5. Dip your hand in cool water and grab a handful (when cool enough, but not cold), then shape the noodles into mounds and or do as I do and just leave them in a pile in the bowl or a tray and cut, grab and sneak whatever you desire…
They will last a few weeks easily if you need to store them. But….. They will disappear fast, for once you taste them, like opening a bag of candy, the candy seems to disappear fast…
Funny thing about that…. So just make more…